I live in the north of norway where our hydro electric dams are. Think - Tromsø, Kirkenes, Alta. This is north of Norway.
I think in 2021 our kwh price was 0.002 usd/kwh in summer about 4 months straight. The prices are also decided by if you are a "Vertekommune" or not. Vertekommune gets much better kwh prices due to their proximity to hydro electric dams. Some "Same" (Indigenous people) communities has nearly free electricity in return of letting big international companies build wind farms on their lands.
Some smaller coastal villages has wind farms with very good kwh prices for letting the big companies build their wind farms along the protected coastline.
Norway isnt as centralized as other countries. So its pretty much up to each kommune how they choose to use its resources. So many smaller kommunes take these deals, of cheap electric prices in return for giving the wind farm companies favorable conditions.
Although with all that being said, in 2022 we saw quite significant increases in electric costs all over norway including the north. But kwh prices has stayed below 0.05 usd/kwh consistently throughout the year (And now im talking total prices. Including tax, distribution fees etc) But its believed that from summer 2023 onwards kwh prices will normalize to how they were before.