really personally visit out that 10,000 acres of land you are talking into.This agreement or arrangement would really be complex and i dont think that someone will just randomly
give you 60k usd or more because of your proposal.
Of course we don’t expect someone to just write a check based on a proposal. We are seeking investors globally and have contacted local groups already. This project would be smaller than the regular groups we usually make deals with. We are seeking individuals rather than investment groups. The best way to find an investor is to reach out to as many people as possible. For a project with the level of funding, a flight would be a drop in the bucket overall.
We have proof of concept from various wells previously drilled and lots of land available for new projects. We are looking for more capital to expand at a faster rate. We would definitely be ok with meeting people and having them view the existing land/wells.
Lots of options available regarding terms. Open to anything reasonable.
Definitely would be okay with this for an investor, can show any documents that are requested. Would not prefer to just post these images for everyone to see.
I've seen that many times people will just ask to see, and just try to pick the smallest things apart. I would rather wait until someone that is interested and is looking for more information.
prove out that this is a legit one.I'm afraid that you will surely failed out if that would be the way on how you set things up.