Larger blocks will hurt decentralization. Nowadays it is not very costly to run a full node.
Still the real question is how many people actually run full node and why more people are than not doing it?
If we look at the stats from Bitnodes we can see that there are total of 8861 nodes and I am not sure if they are all full nodes or some of them are just watch nodes.
That tells as that it is not so easy or cheap to run full node as more people would do it, but compared with other Bitcoin forks it is much higher number for sure, I think between seven and eight times more nodes.
On the other hand blockchain size is growing bigger for all of them but SSD and HDD disks are getting much cheaper and have much bigger capacity now, and I can imagine in next few years this will multiple with new chips and new technology.
like nakamoto wanted it to be that you can actually use to pay for a 2$ cheesburger without paying 15$ to transfer it.
I am sure Satoshi Nakamoto didn't invent Bitcoin just because he wanted to buy cheesburger with low fees.