Mturk was a platform for micro earnings offered by Amazon, it was kinda like microlancer , but you would do stuff like validate receipts , test/enter captcha, Identify pictures, train bots ,surveys all kinds of stuff you had tm/greasyfork scripts with lots of downloads that basically acted as a 3rd party vetting system about the vendors offering the jobs once enough people used it. It also had convince scripts built in.
I can't believe nothing like this has been made for Bitcointalk tbh (to be fair I couldn't belive a scripted secondary platform like this existed for a site that generally paid pocket change for task, it was Amazon though.), we could do something like it right ? have wallets used under profile , signatures posted
Script blocking. Payment request,hot key post inserts like payment request. Merit to post ratio. Lots of useless uses but cool! The mturk script had features like a good rated vendor posting a high paying job would initiate a chime/notification, maybe something could be made on bct without login data needed.
I went down a new rabbit hole playing with CF pages/workers.
I'm impressed and can't believe I missed this. Based on what I see these can host simple website and apps
free,possibly forever?Worker routing has my interest in particular. Idk I'm still messing with this stuff scoping it out. Maybe a system could be built on it and really be set and forget. for a whole layer 2 of user experience. not just signatures. Just thinking out loud.