
Topic: Selfish Mining Simulation (Read 14063 times)

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
September 17, 2014, 03:16:24 AM
It would be interesting use the simulation to see what marginal benefit, if any, can be attained for a Block Discard attacker at 49.9%-50% hashing share. Could it help to give the attacker a leg-up into majority hashing?

agree, but i wonder if the simulation would be attacked by real attacker?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
September 14, 2014, 02:12:13 AM
It would be interesting use the simulation to see what marginal benefit, if any, can be attained for a Block Discard attacker at 49.9%-50% hashing share. Could it help to give the attacker a leg-up into majority hashing?

it will be helpful, i can do the simulation before jumping into the ocean.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
June 05, 2014, 08:05:12 PM
This is really cool.  I've been watching it run on a couple of computers here.

I'm getting consistent results here, showing that the selfish mining strategy is a really good way to lose 20-30% of your mining revenue.  I'll note that this is roughly what I was expecting.  In every other context, the whole world considers it obvious that getting your blocks out as fast as possible is a good thing.  Still, science is the art of not fooling yourself, and getting the result you expect is not the same as showing that a model has skill.

As fun as this is, it needs to be much faster to be really useful.  We need hundreds or thousands of runs, covering hundreds or thousands of blocks.  We also need to verify that model parameters are realistic, and that the simulation isn't adding or causing un-real effects.  We should also invite the authors to verify that the attack behavior is implemented correctly.*

* To the limited extent possible.

+1   Super agree man.. Still u'll need to check your data if they are real or not in a network os the same size and conditions... or your experiment will be a total fail ;p
sr. member
Activity: 278
Merit: 251
May 31, 2014, 10:05:40 AM
I wrote an educational simulator (ca. 500 lines of code incl. many comments) that simulates and visualizes the selfish mining.

It runs under Matlab (commercial - nicest graphics) and Octave (freeware open source Linux/Windows, also works nicely).
"FreeMat" (open source freeware for Windows) is also supported,  but the nice graphical illustration does not work (yet).

The simulator displays the chain of blocks that are mined, dynamically, like a film. You can have it run automatically (e.g. every 0.1 seconds one new block is displayed) or interactively (keypress after each block). The tool visualizes both the "public" blockchain, as well as the "secret" chain that the selfish miner is working on.

Blocks get different colors, depending on whether they have been mined by the honest miners or the selfish miner, and whether they caused any orphans. So you can also see how often selfish miners create orphans on the public blockchain, and how long they are. Sometimes they are really long!

At the end of the simulation, you get some statistics concerning the orphans created on the public blockchain (histogram about how often orphans of different lengths have been created).

The simulator can be configured in that the selfish miner self-restricts itself to not create any orphans longer than a pre-defined maximum. This of course reduces the income that the selfish miner can generate. Also various other configuration variables exist (e.g. the selfish miner's share of max. hash rate, of course).

Network propagation times are NOT modeled, the focus is to investigate, illustrate and understand the basic principles of selfish mining.

Also long simulations can be performed and graphic outputs disabled, thereby simulation of 1 Million blocks takes only a few seconds on Matlab on a >7 years old PC (FreeMat and Octave is by a factor 10 to 100 slower as it seems).

Here are some screenshots:

Enjoy! (and donate whatever you consider reasonable)

Here's the source code - copy-paste to text editor and save as file "selfish.m":

function selfish(Nsim, PercentSelfish, MaxOrphanLen, PlotFlag, PauseValue, RndState)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% function selfish()
% function selfish(Nsim, PercentSelfish, MaxOrphanLen, PlotFlag, PauseValue, RndState)
% This function simulates and ilustrates the selfish bitcoin mining.
% As we see, selfish mining works if the mining power of the selfish miner is more than one 3rd of the total
% mining power.
% Network propagation times are not modelled and are assumed to be zero (best case from selfish miner's
% perspective)
% Optional arguments:
% * Nsim (def.=100): Length of simulation time in terms of number of blocks on the public main blockchain
% * PercentSelfish (def.=40.586): Percent of the selfish miner's overall network hashing power
% * MaxOrphanLen (def.=5): Selfish miner will avoid creating orphans on main chain longer than this nb of blocks.
% * PlotFlag (def.=1=true): If set to =false or =0, no illustratetive plot will be made -> set =false for long simulations!
% * PauseValue (def.=inf): When plotting is active, this many seconds of waiting time is added after each block.
%                          Set =inf to require keypress after each block.
%                          For Non-Matlab, default = 0.1 [sec] and =inf is not supported.
% * RndState (def.=sum(100*clock)): set to a certain value (e.g. integer number) to set random seed.
% Example function calls:
%    > selfish % run with default settings - good for learning and demonstration purposes                                           <-- good for educational purposes
%    > selfish(40, 48, 3, true, inf, 8) % short interactive simulation with limitation of the orphan lengths in the main chain      <-- very good for educational purposes
%    > selfish(200, 41, inf, true, 0.01, 1) % self-running simulation, watch while running. Certain random seed for reproducibility <-- very good for educational purposes
%    > selfish(200, 41, inf, true, 0.01) % self-running simulation, watch while running. Random seed is different each time
%    > selfish(1e4, 45, inf, false, false, 4) % run a long simulation without plotting during simulation time
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Tested with Matlab R2007b, Octave 3.0.0 (Linux) and FreeMat 4.1.1 (Windows).
% Restriction for FreeMat: only works for PlotFlag=false
% Octave is open-source freeware, available for Windows and Linux.
% FreeMat is open-source freeware, available for Windows.
% If you start Octave (or Matlab or FreeMat), you see a command window (console).
% There you simply enter (where ">" denotes the console's command prompt):
%    > cd the_path/where/this_file/is_located
%    > selfish
% Note: In the comments of this file, the terms "selfish miner" and "attacker" are used interchangeably,
%       they refer to the same thing.
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% License:
% --------
% * Use is permitted as long as the user has donated an amount that he/she considers reasonable, or if the
%   user truly thinks that a donation is not required.
% * Reuse/modify/extend as you like, commercially or non-commercially.
% * The only condition is that you include this license condition in the source code, and include a reference
%   to the original author and the bitcoin donation address both in the source code and being displayed
%   by the running program.
% Bitcoin Donations to the author: 1MichaS16UMKFgNjanKrtfD51HpBkqPAwD (Michael_S at
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

global power_attack % selfish miner's hasing power share
global THR_orphanes_publish % max number of orpans that the selfish miner will create on the public main chain
global Pause_value % pause in seconds after each block, when plotting is active

ismatlab = false;
v=version;% typical Matlab version string: " (R2007b)"; typical Octave version string: "3.0.0"
if ~isempty(strfind(v,'R2')), % Matlab version string contains "R2" in it.
    ismatlab = true;

%% 0 - Parameters (adjust to your liking)

% - - - - - Parameters that can be overruled by function arguments: - - - - -

% 0.1 - Change as desired: (may be overruled by function arguments)
%power_attack = 0.17; % between 0 and 1 (0.40586 yields 50% of the blocks, 0.5 yields 100%)
power_attack = 0.40586; % between 0 and 1 (0.40586 yields 50% of the blocks, 0.5% yields 100%)
%power_attack = 0.44; % between 0 and 1 (0.40586 yields 50% of the blocks, 0.5 yields 100%)
%power_attack = 0.51; % between 0 and 1 (0.40586 yields 50% of the blocks, 0.5 yields 100%)

% 0.2 - Change as desired: (may be overruled by function arguments)
% The selfish miner gets the highest yield when setting the following parameter to "inf", but this might be "impractical".
% Setting this to e.g. =5 or =10 gives a yield close to theoretical maximum while avoiding creation of too long orphans in the main chain.
% Hence, e.g. setting it to =5 might be a reasonable choice, to ensure that blocks of depth=6 in the public main chain are never orphaned by the selfish miner.
THR_orphanes_publish = 5; % (>=1) [best is =inf] If the attacker creates so many orphans in the main chain, he publishes before even more orphans are created.
%THR_orphanes_publish = inf; % (>=1) [best is =inf] If the attacker creates so many orphans in the main chain, he publishes before even more orphans are created.

% 0.3 - Change as desired: (may be overruled by function arguments)
N = 1e6; % number of blocks to be simulated
N = 1e5; % number of blocks to be simulated
N = 100; % number of blocks to be simulated

% 0.4 - Change as desired: (may be overruled by function arguments)
plot_flag = 1;% =1 for plotting illustrative block chain and interactive keypress; =0 for not plotting (faster).

% 0.5 - Change as desired: (may be overruled by function arguments)
    rand('state', 1);% set random generator seed
    rand('state', sum(100*clock));% set random generator seed
    % Freemat does understand the above format, but instead this:
    seed(1,1);% set random generator seed
    seed(sum(100*clock),sum(100*clock));% set random generator seed

% - - - - - Parameters that can NOT be overruled by function arguments: - - - - -

% 0.6 - Normally keep the "best" values!
THR_attack_give_up = 1; % (>=1) [best is =1] If main chain is so much longer than the own "secret" chain, then attacker gives up and adopts the main chain's blocks.
THR_attack_publish = inf; % (>=2) [best is =inf] If the attacker has so many secret blocks, he will publish them (e.g. to avoid loosing them due to checkpointing).

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% 1.1 - Overruling pre-set parameters with function arguments:
if exist('Nsim', 'var'),
    N = Nsim;
if exist('PercentSelfish', 'var'),
    power_attack = PercentSelfish/100;
if exist('MaxOrphanLen', 'var'),
    THR_orphanes_publish = MaxOrphanLen;
if exist('PlotFlag', 'var'),
    plot_flag = PlotFlag;
if ~exist('PauseValue', 'var'),
    Pause_value = inf;
    Pause_value = PauseValue;
if exist('RndState', 'var'),
        rand('state', RndState);

%% 1.2 - Pre-Processing
power_normal = 1-power_attack;% mining power (share of the total) of the normal (=honest) miners

gen_time_attack = 10/power_attack;% average time needed to generate a block, in minutes, by attacker
gen_time_normal = 10/power_normal;% average time needed to generate a block, in minutes, by normal (=honest) miners

N_force_terminate = ceil(1.1*N);% ceil(1.1*N) by default

%% 2 - Simulate
% Pre-allocate memory - this is important for simulation time:
blocks_won = NaN*ones(1,ceil(N_force_terminate)); % vector indicating which block was won by the selfish mining attacker
chn = blocks_won;% vector showing the normal (public) chain
cha = blocks_won;% vector showing the chain that the attacker works on
Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker = NaN*ones(1,ceil(N_force_terminate));

cnt_event_orphaned = 0;% counter for the *nb of events* that a selfish miner published his secretly mined blocks and thereby orphans honestly mined coins.

kn = 0;% kn is the length of the "official" blockchain that the normal (=honest) miners work on
ka = 0;% ka is the number of mined blocks that the attacker's chain has in common with the official chain.
sa = 0;% sa is the number of blocks already mined secretly by the attacker

Time.Total = 0;% To output timestamps during the simulation, whenever a new block is found

time_next_attack = -gen_time_attack*log(rand());% time until attacker finds the next block
time_next_normal = -gen_time_normal*log(rand());% time until normal (=honest) miners find the next block

cnt_blocks.found_normal    = 0;% counts nb of blocks found by honest miners
cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal = 0;% ...of which so many got orphaned (replaced) by blocks found by the selfish miner.
cnt_blocks.found_attack    = 0;% counts nb of blocks found by selfish miner
cnt_blocks.orphaned_attack = 0;% ...of which so many got orphaned (replaced) by blocks found by the honest miners.
cnt_blocks.in_main_chain   = 0;% counts the number of blocks in the (public) main chain.

if plot_flag, [hdn, hda] = plot_chain([0], [0]); end;% pro forma plot
while 1;

    % --- Finding new block, depending on whether normal (=honest) miners or attacker find the next block:
    if time_next_normal < time_next_attack,% the next block is found by the normal (=honest) miners
        cnt_blocks.found_normal = cnt_blocks.found_normal + 1;
        cnt_blocks.in_main_chain = cnt_blocks.in_main_chain + 1;
        Time.Delta = time_next_normal;
        Time.Total = Time.Total + Time.Delta;
        kn = kn + 1;% official block chain grows by one block
        blocks_won(kn) = 0;% block nb. kn found by the normal (=honest) miners [not final, might still be reverted later on]
        chn(kn) = 0;
        if sa == 0, % attacker has no secret blocks
            cha(ka+1:kn) = 0;
            ka = kn;% attacker stays at the official chain
            sa = 0;% attacker stays at the official chain
            time_next_attack = -gen_time_attack*log(rand());% time until attacker finds the next block
            time_next_normal = -gen_time_normal*log(rand());% time until normal (=honest) miners find the next block
        elseif kn >= ka + sa + THR_attack_give_up, % normal (=honest) miners have too many blocks, attacker gives up
            cha(ka+1:kn-THR_attack_give_up) = 0.1;% attacker replaces his secret blocks by the official blocks
            chn(ka+1:kn-THR_attack_give_up) = 0.1;% attacker replaces his secret blocks by the official blocks
            cha(kn-THR_attack_give_up+1:kn) = 0;% attacker takes latest official block to his own chain
            cnt_blocks.orphaned_attack = cnt_blocks.orphaned_attack + (kn-THR_attack_give_up-ka);
            ka = kn;% attacker switches to the official chain
            sa = 0;% attacker switches to the official chain
            time_next_attack = -gen_time_attack*log(rand());% time until attacker finds the next block
            time_next_normal = -gen_time_normal*log(rand());% time until normal (=honest) miners find the next block
        else % attacker remains on his own chain
            time_next_attack = time_next_attack - time_next_normal;% time until attacker finds the next block
            time_next_normal = -gen_time_normal*log(rand());% time until normal (=honest) miners find the next block

    else % the next block is found by the attacker
        cnt_blocks.found_attack = cnt_blocks.found_attack + 1;
        Time.Delta = time_next_attack;
        Time.Total = Time.Total + Time.Delta;
        sa = sa + 1;% attacker does not publish the block (yet), so the number of secret blocks is incremented
        cha(ka+sa) = 2;
        time_next_normal = time_next_normal - time_next_attack;% time until normal (=honest) miners find the next block
        time_next_attack = -gen_time_attack*log(rand());% time until attacker finds the next block
    if plot_flag, [hdn, hda] = plot_chain(chn(1:kn), cha(1:ka+sa), hdn, hda, Time, cnt_blocks, 'pause'); end % illustrate state of block chains
    % --- Check out if the attacker publishes his secret blocks:
    if sa >= THR_attack_publish || (sa >= 2 && ka+sa == kn+1),% 2nd condition means: normal (=honest) miners get too close, so publish before it is too late.
        blocks_won(ka+1:ka+sa) = 1;% These blocks are (re-)credited to the attacker now
        chn(ka+1:kn) = 1;% orphaned
        chn(kn+1:ka+sa) = -1;% not orphaned
        cha(ka+1:ka+sa) = chn(ka+1:ka+sa);
        cnt_event_orphaned = cnt_event_orphaned + 1;
        Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker(cnt_event_orphaned) = kn-ka;
        cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal = cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal + (kn-ka);
        cnt_blocks.in_main_chain = cnt_blocks.in_main_chain + (ka+sa-kn);
        kn = ka+sa; % attacker's secretly mined blocks become published and accepted by the normal (=honest) miners
        ka = kn;% all blocks of the attacker are now in common with the normal chain.
        sa = 0;% attacker has no secret blocks any more now.
        time_next_attack = -gen_time_attack*log(rand());% time until attacker finds the next block
        time_next_normal = -gen_time_normal*log(rand());% time until normal (=honest) miners find the next block
        Time.Delta = 0;
        if plot_flag, [hdn, hda] = plot_chain(chn(1:kn), cha(1:ka+sa), hdn, hda, Time, cnt_blocks, 'pause'); end % illustrate state of block chains
    elseif sa >= 2 && kn-ka >= THR_orphanes_publish,% attacker publishes some blocks to avoid that even more orphans are created on the main chain
        blocks_won(ka+1:ka+THR_orphanes_publish+1) = 1;% These blocks are published and (re-)credited to the attacker now
        chn(ka+1:ka+THR_orphanes_publish) = 1;% selfishly mined blocks replacing honest blocks
        chn(ka+THR_orphanes_publish+1) = -1;% another selfishly mined block, but not causing orphanes on the main chain
        cha(ka+1:ka+THR_orphanes_publish+1) = chn(ka+1:ka+THR_orphanes_publish+1);
        cnt_event_orphaned = cnt_event_orphaned + 1;
        cnt_blocks.in_main_chain = cnt_blocks.in_main_chain + (ka+THR_orphanes_publish+1-kn);
        Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker(cnt_event_orphaned) = THR_orphanes_publish;
        cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal = cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal + THR_orphanes_publish;
        kn = ka + THR_orphanes_publish + 1;% attacker's secretly mined blocks become published and accepted by the normal (=honest) miners
        ka = ka + THR_orphanes_publish + 1;% all blocks of the attacker are now in common with the normal chain.
        sa = sa - THR_orphanes_publish - 1;% attacker has no secret blocks any more now.
        time_next_normal = -gen_time_normal*log(rand());% time until normal (=honest) miners find the next block
        Time.Delta = 0;
        if plot_flag, [hdn, hda] = plot_chain(chn(1:kn), cha(1:ka+sa), hdn, hda, Time, cnt_blocks, 'pause'); end % illustrate state of block chains

    % --- Termination condition(s) of the simulation:
    if kn > N && sa == 0,% terminate if enough blocks were simulated and the attacker has no more secret blocks
    if ka+sa > N_force_terminate, % Force termination of the simulation. If attacker has more blocks than the normal (=honest) miners,
        % publish them now to get the blocks credited, and then terminate the simulation.
        if ka+sa > kn,
            blocks_won(ka+1:ka+sa) = 1;% These blocks are credited to the attacker
            chn(ka+1:kn) = 1;% orphaned
            chn(kn+1:ka+sa) = -1;% not orphaned
            cha(ka+1:ka+sa) = chn(ka+1:ka+sa);
            cnt_event_orphaned = cnt_event_orphaned + 1;
            Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker(cnt_event_orphaned) = kn-ka;
            kn = ka+sa; % attacker's secretly mined blocks become published and accepted by the normal (=honest) miners
            Time.Delta = 0;
            if plot_flag, [hdn, hda] = plot_chain(chn(1:kn), cha(1:ka+sa), hdn, hda, Time, cnt_blocks); end % illustrate state of block chains
end% while 1

% Cut of the NaN entries from the results vector
blocks_won = blocks_won(1:kn);
Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker = Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker(1:cnt_event_orphaned);

%% 3 - Show results:
Number_of_blocks_simulated = kn %#ok
Percentage_mining_power_selfish_miner = power_attack*100 %#ok
Percentage_blocks_won_by_selfish_miner = sum(blocks_won)/length(blocks_won)*100 %#ok
Percentage_of_mainchain_blocks_orphaned_by_selfish_miner = sum(Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker)/kn*100 %#ok

% Finally the histogram:
hist(Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker,[1:max(2,max(Nb_of_blocks_orphaned_by_attacker))]); title('Lengths of Consecutive Blocks Orphaned on the Main Chain by the Selfish Miner'); xlabel('Event that this number of consecutive blocks were orphaned on the Main Chain'); ylabel('How often the rexpective event happened');
if ismatlab,% Octave does not understand the following formating
    Pix_SS = get(0,'screensize');% info about the screen resolution in 'pixel'
    set(hfig, 'position', [0.25*Pix_SS(3), 1, 0.5*Pix_SS(3), 0.45*Pix_SS(4)]);% [x, y, width, height]

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% ---------------------------------------------- SUB-FUNCTION -----------------------------------------------
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function [hdn, hda] = plot_chain(chn, cha, hdn, hda, Time, cnt_blocks, pause_flag)
% chn = the normal chain, row vector
% cha = the chain of the attacker
% The elements of the vector have the following meaning:
%       0 = block was mined by normal (=honest) miners
%     0.1 = block was mined by normal (=honest) miners and overruled a block from the selfish miner
%       1 = block was mined by attacker and caused an orphan of the normal (=honest) miners
%      -1 = block was mined by attacker and did not cause an orphan of the normal (=honest) miners
%       2 = (only in the attacker chain): secret block

global power_attack % selfish miner's hasing power share
global THR_orphanes_publish % max number of orpans that the selfish miner will create on the public main chain
global Pause_value % pause in seconds after each block, when plotting is active

ismatlab = false;
v=version;% typical Matlab version string: " (R2007b)"; typical Octave version string: "3.0.0"
if ~isempty(strfind(v,'R2')), % Matlab version string contains "R2" in it.
    ismatlab = true;

if nargin > 2,
        disp('ERROR with this software! (maybe you are using FreeMat?)');
        disp('Try running the function "selfish" with PlotFlag=false, or use Matlab or Octave for full plot support.');
        disp(' ');

else % initial call
    if ismatlab,% Octave does not understand the following formating
        hfig = figure;
        Pix_SS = get(0,'screensize');% info about the screen resolution in 'pixel'
        set(hfig, 'position', [0, Pix_SS(4), Pix_SS(3), 0.3*Pix_SS(4)]);% [x, y, width, height]
        disp(' ')
        disp('*** Please manually change the width of the figure that will now appear, ***')
        disp('*** to take the full screen width for best visual results!               ***')
        disp(' ')
        disp('--> Press any key to continue <--')
        hfig = figure;

% Only display a window of 100 blocks:
len = max(length(chn), length(cha));
if len > 100,
    chn = chn(len-99:end);
    cha = cha(len-99:end);

chn_0 = chn; chn_0(chn_0==1)=999; chn_0(chn_0==-1)=999; chn_0(chn_0==0.1)=999;%  0: green
chn_d = chn; chn_d(chn_d==1)=999; chn_d(chn_d==-1)=999; chn_d(chn_d==0)=999;  %  0: green
chn_1 = chn; chn_1(chn_1==0)=999; chn_1(chn_1==-1)=999; chn_1(chn_1==0.1)=999;%  1: red
chn_m = chn; chn_m(chn_m==1)=999; chn_m(chn_m== 0)=999; chn_m(chn_m==0.1)=999;% -1: pink

cha_0 = cha; cha_0(cha_0==1)=999; cha_0(cha_0==-1)=999; cha_0(cha_0==2)=999; cha_0(cha_0==0.1)=999;%  0: green
cha_d = cha; cha_d(cha_d==1)=999; cha_d(cha_d==-1)=999; cha_d(cha_d==2)=999; cha_d(cha_d==0)=999;  %  0: green
cha_1 = cha; cha_1(cha_1==0)=999; cha_1(cha_1==-1)=999; cha_1(cha_1==2)=999; cha_1(cha_1==0.1)=999;%  1: red
cha_m = cha; cha_m(cha_m==1)=999; cha_m(cha_m== 0)=999; cha_m(cha_m==2)=999; cha_m(cha_m==0.1)=999;% -1: pink
cha_z = cha; cha_z(cha_z==0)=999; cha_z(cha_z==-1)=999; cha_z(cha_z==1)=999; cha_z(cha_z==0.1)=999;%  2: black

chn_0(chn_0==0) = 1;
chn_d(chn_d==0.1) = 1;
chn_m(chn_m==-1) = 1;

cha_0(cha_0==0) = 1;
cha_d(cha_d==0.1) = 1;
cha_m(cha_m==-1) = 1;
cha_z(cha_z==2) = 1;

if nargin > 2, % normal section
    if ismatlab,
        hdn.n = plot(2*chn_0,'gs', 'MarkerFaceColor','g'); hold on;
        hdn.d = plot(2*chn_d,'cs', 'MarkerFaceColor','c'); hold on;
        hdn.o = plot(2*chn_1,'rs', 'MarkerFaceColor','r'); hold on;
        hdn.m = plot(2*chn_m,'ms', 'MarkerFaceColor','m'); hold on;
        hda.n = plot(1*cha_0,'gs', 'MarkerFaceColor','g'); hold on;
        hda.d = plot(1*cha_d,'cs', 'MarkerFaceColor','c'); hold on;
        hda.o = plot(1*cha_1,'rs', 'MarkerFaceColor','r'); hold on;
        hda.m = plot(1*cha_m,'ms', 'MarkerFaceColor','m'); hold on;
        hda.z = plot(1*cha_z,'ks', 'MarkerFaceColor','k'); hold on;
        hdn.n = plot(2*chn_0,'gs'); hold on;
        hdn.d = plot(2*chn_d,'cs'); hold on;
        hdn.o = plot(2*chn_1,'rs'); hold on;
        hdn.m = plot(2*chn_m,'ms'); hold on;
        hda.n = plot(1*cha_0,'gs'); hold on;
        hda.d = plot(1*cha_d,'cs'); hold on;
        hda.o = plot(1*cha_1,'rs'); hold on;
        hda.m = plot(1*cha_m,'ms'); hold on;
        hda.z = plot(1*cha_z,'ks'); hold on;
    cnt_blk_tot = cnt_blocks.found_normal + cnt_blocks.found_attack;
    hdn.ti = text(50,2.55,['Time = ',num2str(Time.Total),' min (Total blocks calculated = ', ...
        num2str(cnt_blk_tot),' --> 1 block per ',num2str(Time.Total/cnt_blk_tot),' min)']);
    hdn.dt = text(50,2.35,['Delta = ',num2str(Time.Delta),' min (Blocks on Main Chain = ', ...
        num2str(cnt_blocks.in_main_chain),' --> 1 block per ',num2str(Time.Total/cnt_blocks.in_main_chain),' min)']);
    hdn.t1 = text(50,1.80, 'Blocks calculated by...');
    hdn.t2 = text(50,1.60, ['...honest miners: ', num2str(cnt_blocks.found_normal), ' (',num2str(cnt_blocks.found_normal/cnt_blk_tot*100),'%)']);
    hdn.t3 = text(50,1.40, ['...selfish miner: ', num2str(cnt_blocks.found_attack), ' (',num2str(cnt_blocks.found_attack/cnt_blk_tot*100),'%)']);
    hdn.t4 = text(50,1.20, ['...Total number:  ', num2str(cnt_blk_tot),' (100%)']);
    hdn.t5 = text(68,1.80, ['--> of which orphaned (i.e. mined in vain):']);
    hdn.t6 = text(68,1.60, ['--> ',num2str(cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal),' (',num2str(cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal/cnt_blocks.found_normal*100),'%)']);
    hdn.t7 = text(68,1.40, ['--> ',num2str(cnt_blocks.orphaned_attack),' (',num2str(cnt_blocks.orphaned_attack/cnt_blocks.found_attack*100),'%)']);
    hdn.t8 = text(68,1.20, ['--> ',num2str(cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal+cnt_blocks.orphaned_attack), ...
        ' (',num2str((cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal+cnt_blocks.orphaned_attack)/cnt_blk_tot*100),'%)']);

    hdn.t9  = text(50,0.67, ['Number of blocks that were found in current Main Chain by...']);
    tmp_cnt_hon = cnt_blocks.found_normal - cnt_blocks.orphaned_normal;
    tmp_cnt_sel = cnt_blocks.in_main_chain - tmp_cnt_hon;
    hdn.t10 = text(50,0.47, ['...honest miners:  ',num2str(tmp_cnt_hon),' (',num2str(tmp_cnt_hon/(tmp_cnt_hon+tmp_cnt_sel)*100),'%)']);
    hdn.t11 = text(50,0.27, ['...selfish miners: ',num2str(tmp_cnt_sel),' (',num2str(tmp_cnt_sel/(tmp_cnt_hon+tmp_cnt_sel)*100),'%)']);

else % initialization section
    if ismatlab,
        hdn.n = plot(2*chn_0,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hdn.d = plot(2*chn_d,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hdn.o = plot(2*chn_1,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hdn.m = plot(2*chn_m,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;

        hda.n = plot(1*cha_0,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hda.d = plot(1*cha_d,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hda.o = plot(1*cha_1,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hda.m = plot(1*cha_m,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hda.z = plot(1*cha_z,'ws', 'MarkerFaceColor','w'); hold on;
        hdn.n = plot(2,'ws'); hold on;
        hdn.d = plot(2,'ws'); hold on;
        hdn.o = plot(2,'ws'); hold on;
        hdn.m = plot(2,'ws'); hold on;

        hda.n = plot(1,'ws'); hold on;
        hda.d = plot(1,'ws'); hold on;
        hda.o = plot(1,'ws'); hold on;
        hda.m = plot(1,'ws'); hold on;
        hda.z = plot(1,'ws'); hold on;
    hdn.ti = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.dt = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t1 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t2 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t3 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t4 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t5 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t6 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t7 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t8 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t9 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t10 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);
    hdn.t11 = text(50,2.35,[' ']);

    xlabel('block number');
    ylabel('attacker''s chain (bottom)    |    public chain (top)');
    title(['Selfish Miner''s Hashing Power = ',num2str(power_attack*100),'% of Total Network; Max. Length of Orphans Caused by Selfish Miner = ',num2str(THR_orphanes_publish),]);
    text(5,1.80, 'Blockchain that the honest miners are working on (public Main Chain)');
    text(5,1.13, 'Blockchain that the attacker (selfish miner) is working on (secret chain)');

    text(75,0.37, 'by Michael\_S at');
    text(75,0.17, '1MichaS16UMKFgNjanKrtfD51HpBkqPAwD');
    axis([1 100 0 3]);
    plot(5, 2.55, 'gs', 'MarkerFaceColor','g'); text(6,2.52,'Block mined by honest miner');
    plot(5, 2.35, 'cs', 'MarkerFaceColor','c'); text(6,2.32,'Block first mined by selfish miner, then replaced by honest miner');
    plot(5, 0.70, 'ms', 'MarkerFaceColor','m'); text(6,0.67,'Block mined by selfish miner (without replacement)');
    plot(5, 0.50, 'rs', 'MarkerFaceColor','r'); text(6,0.47,'Block first mined by honest miner, then replaced by selfish miner');
    plot(5, 0.30, 'ks', 'MarkerFaceColor','k'); text(6,0.27,'Block mined secretly by selfish miner, not yet published');


if nargin > 6,
    if Pause_value==inf,
        if ~ismatlab,
            disp('--> Press any key to see next block (focus must be on console when you press the key) <--')
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 11, 2013, 08:05:13 PM
this.ptotal += p; // the probability of an event occuring increases
is still there.

What probability increases? The probability of finding a block is the same no matter how long you've been trying.

(I'm probably just misreading this, though. So my apologies in advance.)

You're looking at a pooled event object, all mining nodes are registered to the pool. When the event is emitted, the ptotal is used as a ceiling to randomly identify the node which has mined the block proportional to each's individual probability of mining the block during that msec. The ptotal is then used to find when the next block will be mined.

this.delay = Math.floor((Math.log(1-Math.random())/-1) * (1 / (this.ptotal)));

It's possible for two blocks to be mined at once, if the new delay is 0, then it will fire immediately after.

edit: ptotal is only changed when the probability of mining a block changes, like right at the beginning of the simulation or after a node adjusts difficulty.

edit2: the pooling of events into a single object is also a remnant of a previous version where adding events to a binary heap was expensive; now that I compute the delays in advance I can separate probabilistic tick events into their own objects. I can even create heap buckets to make insertion faster. Which I've just done.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 11, 2013, 07:14:05 PM
That's residual code from how I used to handle discrete time events in an older version. I just removed it so thank you for reminding me.

And yes, selfish attack at 35% requires over 50 days to be profitable, assuming the network hashrate stays the same. And assuming the block reward is the only thing that matters, which is true for now.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 11, 2013, 05:44:17 PM
I think there's something wrong. Difficulty doesn't change for 2016 blocks, so attackers shouldn't be seeing more revenue per hour in less than 2016 blocks. (Attackers can't do more hashes per second, so they shouldn't have an increased number of blocks per hour at least until difficulty changes.)

But I don't have time to investigate this right now. Maybe next week.

In the 40% results, for example:

sim45-18067092:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 1.0116679056880324x
sim45-2210925:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 1.0411968218665215x
sim45-23586774:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.9990748637793512x
sim45-26354243:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.9823499433113184x
sim45-64896747:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.984449367266411x
sim45-87844436:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 1.0116418448848656x

sim45-21082244:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.623596869023641x   ( 539.54 h)
sim45-22962843:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.6104684972955473x ( 549.30 h)
sim45-46100699:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.6466402958243354x ( 517.50 h)
sim45-63334992:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.6079748180529679x ( 552.14 h)
sim45-74353382:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.5940874807871993x ( 565.13 h)
sim45-82186196:(h=2016) difficulty adjustment 0.6131612492096951x ( 547.88 h)

The difficulty adjustment is allowing the attacker to take the lead quicker.

Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
December 11, 2013, 12:01:51 PM
There would be an unusual number of orphans,  But it would be hard to see because we don't relay orphans, so no single node would necessarily see enough of them to notice.
hero member
Activity: 709
Merit: 503
December 11, 2013, 11:36:37 AM
So, how would we detect such attacks?  What should our response be?  Or are we thinking we're ok as is?  Maybe the default behavior could be configured to be selfish and that way a selfish attack wouldn't be able to gain.  Hmm, then the non-selfish algorithm would look like an attack.  Ah, the mining software should detect the current situation and adjust the algorithm to selfish or non-selfish to maximize earnings.

Or, have I completely missed the point and need to pay closer attention?
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 10, 2013, 11:48:05 PM
$66.12 to run the simulation above, 6 hours with 19 servers. (simulating up to 10000 blocks with 1000 nodes each for every percentage of hashrate three times is an unusually demanding task so far) But if you use spot instances, and carefully pick the availability zones/regions, you could probably at least halve that cost.
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
December 10, 2013, 11:40:26 PM
How much does Amazon charge?  Like how much did it cost you to make those graphs, as an example data point.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 10, 2013, 11:33:29 PM
Excellent.  A decent launcher is a critical piece for doing useful (aka large scale) simulations.  Do you have any experience with other launchers for big clusters?  As in, can you set it up so that an academic researcher with access to an existing supercomputer array could launch your simulator on their equipment?

I created a launcher here:

It just uses SSH to provision servers and dispatch tasks, and you can define the concurrency for each server. I have an instance-backed AMI set up on my AWS account which Node/NPM installed for quickly deploying slave servers. I think a similar architecture could be used for many academic compute environments, but I have no experience with them.

But to answer your question, yes I will be making it much more useful for large-scale simulations for researchers. I think it's great that the codebase can be flexible enough for both browser simulations (testing/sharing/prototyping/visualizing) and large-scale analysis, I won't neglect either. It's still under development though.
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
December 10, 2013, 11:06:04 PM
I'm currently generating the graphs by running the simulation on an ec2 cluster, all of the scripts I'm using to render them are on my github repo. It's still a bit shabby.

Excellent.  A decent launcher is a critical piece for doing useful (aka large scale) simulations.  Do you have any experience with other launchers for big clusters?  As in, can you set it up so that an academic researcher with access to an existing supercomputer array could launch your simulator on their equipment?
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 10, 2013, 07:02:24 PM
I decided to run a comprehensive simulation with my framework. I simulated every strategy three times, at every percentage of hashrate between 0 and 49 inclusive. Each simulation evaluated 10000 blocks, with 1000 nodes. Each node had between 8 and 37 connections with other peers, forming an interesting and realistic network topology. The difficulty adjustment targetted 10 minute block times like bitcoin.

The result after ~10000 blocks:

I've plotted the revenue over time of each strategy at various network hashrate percentages:





Very interesting to see the time/revenue investment necessary to profit from the attack.

How did you make those graphs, anyway? I have a bunch more questions (I'd like to see if, as I suspect, the supposed "fix" actually makes things worse), but I don't want to put the burden on you to keep running all my hypotheticals.

I'm currently generating the graphs by running the simulation on an ec2 cluster, all of the scripts I'm using to render them are on my github repo. It's still a bit shabby.

Ask your hypotheticals, I'd love to take a look at some/all of them. I'd rather make it easier for others to prototype their own ideas and so I'll be pursuing that.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 08, 2013, 09:56:32 PM
Here's your graph!

I'll work on the revenue time graph tomorrow. Any percentages of hashrate you'd like to see plotted over time?
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 08, 2013, 03:29:19 PM
Percentage of revenue is irrelevant. BTC per hour is the important number.

Would you mind explaining why the distinction is so critical? Those two numbers are trivially mathematically related. Never mind, I know why you're asking this. I'll start plotting this instead.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 08, 2013, 01:49:28 PM

I have now published a much better version of the simulator at the original URL.

This simulator performs much better than before, but is also much more accurate. (Still runs best on Chrome.)

Here's just a few of the changes:
  • discrete probabilistic events (mining) now more accurately model Poisson distribution
  • inter-node latency more accurate
  • full blown inventory system, modeled by a network-wide state machine for efficiency
  • peer manager more accurately models TCP (especially the sequence of messages)
  • new modular "middleware" architecture of the simulator
  • events use the closure library's priority queue
  • difficulty adjustment added
  • blockchain branches are compared by work not just height
  • much more memory efficient

The page now just runs several trials of every network percent between 10% and 49%, for every combination of sybil attack and selfish mining attack toggle. 200 nodes are simulated for ~5000 blocks each trial.

I left this running and had the following results:

Disclaimer: This simulation does not accurately reflect the bitcoin network.
  • The topology of the simulation, as well as inter-node latency, is dissimilar from the real bitcoin network although I've made it more accurate. Does anyone know what the average latency between nodes should be? How much variance? Packet loss characteristics?
  • Block validation is assumed to be instantaneous because no transactions are occurring. (Yet!)
  • There are only 200 nodes being simulated. Hopefully in the future the simulation can support thousands of nodes.
  • Nodes just grab whatever peers they can get and don't optimize for latency.

More details:

Is it done? No.

I'll finish it and publish it as an independent project with better documentation soon.

Is this simulator general enough? Yes!

You can cook up any type of p2p simulation with this. It took me a few minutes to build a p2p (trustful) time syncing protocol simulation. (Demo here.) The code is pretty fun and easy to work with.


  • Is my implementation of the selfish mining attack correct? See miner.js's .attack()
  • (de)registering events in NodeProbablisticTickEvent needs to update delay retroactively
  • Thoroughly test UTXO system.
  • Integrate mempool with blockchain.
  • mapOrphans (transactions and blocks)
  • getheaders, relay set
  • Document and release as standalone project
  • Use WebWorkers for something, anything.
  • Play with node.js, maybe throw this on EC2 and see what I can do.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 06, 2013, 06:55:11 PM
Well, no, I wouldn't expect that. Yes, the hashrate does not change, but because a large portion of the hashrate is wasted on orphaned blocks, the difficulty should go down.

Sorry, I was speaking of the simulator in general, not the attack.

You will not see an effect from the difficulty adjustments in the current simulator, because the attacker will never retain a large enough lead coinciding during a difficulty adjustment for it to matter. If you want to see the effects, change target_avg_between_blocks from 2.5 minutes (litecoin) to something like 10 seconds, so the attacker will have an extremely large lead on the network. I haven't investigated the effects of the difficulty adjustment yet, but it could be interesting.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 06, 2013, 03:58:35 PM
You say "25% chance of mining a block = 25% hashrate". 25% chance of mining a block over what time period? If you have a 25% chance of mining a block every 10 minutes, and this doesn't change, then your revenue doesn't change. There's no need for a simulator to measure that. So obviously there must be something more going on. As I understand it, what goes on is that the difficulty decreases over time (because everyone is forced to waste time mining orphans), and therefore the chance of mining a block every 10 minutes increases. Obviously this is going to take many blocks to happen, though. For the first 2016 blocks, the non-orphaned blocks per minute found by everyone, including the attacker, will decrease. For the next 2016 blocks... I don't know for sure. That's why I'm interested in seeing the simulator. On the one hand, the attacker will be wasting time on orphans. On the other hand, the difficulty has decreased.

When I say "25% chance of mining a block" I speak in terms of every 100msec. The difficulty dilutes this probability on a per-node basis. At a difficulty of 1000, a node with 31% chance of mining a block will have 0.00031 chance of mining a block each 100msec.

Let me make clear that the average time between blocks is an emergent phenomena in the simulation. Often, just as in the real network, blocks are solved within moments of each other even though (on average) they occur every ten minutes if the difficulty adjustments are allowed to take their course. You can witness the difficulty adjustments in the javascript console, but that page will be slow at reaching 2016-multiple heights because it is also simulating a UTXO/polling/propagation system for other purposes.

(height = 2016) Difficulty adjustment: from 1000 to 1441.9452528101006 (1.4419452528101004x)

Here's the way the simulator currently handles mining: when a node calls its own .mine() method with an argument of network percentage, that network percentage is allocated to the node. What remains in the network can be claimed by other miners, or nodes could simply call .mine(true) and receive an evenly distributed portion of the unallocated hashrate. Here's how you can simulate bitcoin-like mining pools:

btc.init(function(self) {
switch( {
case 0:
self.mine(0.31) // btcguild
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
if ( < 100)

The above code results in the following (default difficulty is 1000):

pnothing is the probability of nothing happening each time the event fires (currently 100msec), mprob is the node's claimed hashrate.

An emergent phenomena of the simulation is that (because the hashrate does not change) the difficulty will settle at a certain point as you'd expect.

To put it another way, one thing I'd really like to know is how long it takes for the attacker to break even, let alone gain from this attack. I don't see anything like that in this simulator.

As I say above, another consideration is that the network is actually dynamic, and not static, but if we can start with something simple like "how long does it take to break even if everything stays static", I think that can give us a better feel for how much the dynamic nature of reality is going to matter. It also gives us an idea of how long we as a community have to respond and try to punish anyone performing this attack. If it's only 2016 blocks or so, okay, that's one thing to deal with. If it's 20,160 blocks, then it's going to be much harder to successfully pull this off in the real world.

Currently it is more useful to approach the simulator as such: run it normally, witness an accurate revenue relative to hashrate, run it with the attack, witness the revenue over time larger than normal.

I hope to have a more accurate answer to your questions (so that the actual thresholds of the attack can be witnessed and graphed) soon.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 06, 2013, 03:11:38 AM
Any chance we can get a readout on hashes per second and difficulty? The probability of solving a hash during any particular second changes over time as the difficulty changes.

Note: It would be pointless to simulate actual hash functions or authentication. The simulator instead simulates probabilistic events over time (say 25% chance of mining a block = 25% hashrate). As you'd expect, two nodes may solve two different blocks at the exact microsecond, or no block may appear for quite a while.

I have indeed added difficulty adjustments (to and those adjustments do affect the probability of a node (which has adopted the new difficulty) solving a block. It shows their network percentage there as well.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 110
Andrew Miller
December 06, 2013, 12:42:22 AM
I've already posted a means to overrule my judgment.  If you feel that it should be paid now, just get a couple of the guys from my list to say so and I'll pay it.

My intention in providing the bounty was to encourage the development of a tool that would be useful for researchers to test their ideas.  For the most part, that means that it needs to model how nodes actually work.  That means it needs to have a model of connections and latency (network, disk and memory), a model of how long it takes to verify blocks, including taking into account transactions already verified.  You may have missed it, but I also posted a bounty for patches to enable profiling in the client so that we can collect real world performance data that can be used to plug back into the simulation.

In short, I'm looking for a simulator of the real network, not an implementation of the nonsense model they used in their paper.
Ok. Thanks for the response, I'm satisfied for now that this is a clear enough goal of things to model somehow.
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
December 06, 2013, 12:34:04 AM
Oh, sorry.  I thought I clarified this already.

The initial release was not general enough, and also seemed unlikely to become fast enough.

I've been a bit short on free time lately, so I haven't been following his progress.  He's done some amazing work, and it sounded like he was working hard on the first part.

Java has a reputation for being, shall we say, not quick.  I'd be delighted to be wrong about this, but I have a hard time seeing it being able to run a few hundred sessions with a few thousand nodes out to several hundred thousand blocks, with an appropriate level of detail and accuracy.
Please say what you think would count as "general" enough and what is "fast" enough, because imo it is already sufficient in both ways.

Here is evidence that it is both reasonably general and reasonably fast:
a) In fact ebfull's implementation is a fully general purpose network simulator, mostly developed before the selfish mining paper was written. He only modified it to illustrate the selfish mining attack after this thread showed up! I unfortunately don't have a link to give you to show the original interface, which illustrates the generality. Maybe eb3full will respond to this thread with one... Additionally, the Selfish Mining simulation interface already supports varying the main parameter (alpha), as well as whether or not network dominance is assumed (essentially gamma=ordinary or gamma=1.0 from the paper), and whether or not the paper's suggested patch is implemented. What more generality is it you are expecting?
b) I just ran an experiment, with 100 nodes, on my browser at 1000x speed (with graphics turned off). Back of envelope, this means I could do 100k blocks in 16 hours. So it would cost roughly about a $160 worth of EC2 nodes to do a hundred sessions out to a thousand blocks. That seems tolerable to me.

I'm annoyed just because I feel like you're trying to avoid honoring your bounty by being vague about the conditions - a simulation can always be "faster" and more "general."

I've already posted a means to overrule my judgment.  If you feel that it should be paid now, just get a couple of the guys from my list to say so and I'll pay it.

My intention in providing the bounty was to encourage the development of a tool that would be useful for researchers to test their ideas.  For the most part, that means that it needs to model how nodes actually work.  That means it needs to have a model of connections and latency (network, disk and memory), a model of how long it takes to verify blocks, including taking into account transactions already verified.  You may have missed it, but I also posted a bounty for patches to enable profiling in the client so that we can collect real world performance data that can be used to plug back into the simulation.

In short, I'm looking for a simulator of the real network, not an implementation of the nonsense model they used in their paper.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 110
Andrew Miller
December 05, 2013, 10:19:12 PM
Oh, sorry.  I thought I clarified this already.

The initial release was not general enough, and also seemed unlikely to become fast enough.

I've been a bit short on free time lately, so I haven't been following his progress.  He's done some amazing work, and it sounded like he was working hard on the first part.

Java has a reputation for being, shall we say, not quick.  I'd be delighted to be wrong about this, but I have a hard time seeing it being able to run a few hundred sessions with a few thousand nodes out to several hundred thousand blocks, with an appropriate level of detail and accuracy.
Please say what you think would count as "general" enough and what is "fast" enough, because imo it is already sufficient in both ways.

Here is evidence that it is both reasonably general and reasonably fast:
a) In fact ebfull's implementation is a fully general purpose network simulator, mostly developed before the selfish mining paper was written. He only modified it to illustrate the selfish mining attack after this thread showed up! I unfortunately don't have a link to give you to show the original interface, which illustrates the generality. Maybe eb3full will respond to this thread with one... Additionally, the Selfish Mining simulation interface already supports varying the main parameter (alpha), as well as whether or not network dominance is assumed (essentially gamma=ordinary or gamma=1.0 from the paper), and whether or not the paper's suggested patch is implemented. What more generality is it you are expecting?
b) I just ran an experiment, with 100 nodes, on my browser at 1000x speed (with graphics turned off). Back of envelope, this means I could do 100k blocks in 16 hours. So it would cost roughly about a $160 worth of EC2 nodes to do a hundred sessions out to a thousand blocks. That seems tolerable to me.

I'm annoyed just because I feel like you're trying to avoid honoring your bounty by being vague about the conditions - a simulation can always be "faster" and more "general."
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
December 05, 2013, 09:33:14 PM
a few hundred sessions with a few thousand nodes out to several hundred thousand blocks, with an appropriate level of detail and accuracy.

This will definitely be my target then, but it depends on what you're simulating. If you're simulating a selfish mining attack, you don't need to simulate transactions (unless you're testing transactionseconds or some other idea). If you're simulating transaction propagation, you don't really need to simulate a blockchain.

I'm actually pretty happy with V8's performance, it's not native, but it gets the job done and gives you the rapid prototyping advantage. With WebWorkers, and perhaps using some node.js fun, it could be scaled to large network simulations. I just enjoy building it, for what it teaches you about bitcoin. It could be a useful educative tool even if someone comes up with a super-efficient Haskell simulator to obviate mine.
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
December 05, 2013, 09:05:09 PM
So far, this does not meet my requirements.  Given that it is written in Javascript, I doubt it ever will.*
Can I infer from this that you do not believe the requirements are satisfied, specifically because it is not generic enough? Otherwise could you clarify why not?

Bump because I am still waiting for kjj to clarify his statement, or for the other people who committed to the bounty (jgarzik, etc) to chime in.

Oh, sorry.  I thought I clarified this already.

The initial release was not general enough, and also seemed unlikely to become fast enough.

I've been a bit short on free time lately, so I haven't been following his progress.  He's done some amazing work, and it sounded like he was working hard on the first part.

Java has a reputation for being, shall we say, not quick.  I'd be delighted to be wrong about this, but I have a hard time seeing it being able to run a few hundred sessions with a few thousand nodes out to several hundred thousand blocks, with an appropriate level of detail and accuracy.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 110
Andrew Miller
December 05, 2013, 07:20:39 PM
So far, this does not meet my requirements.  Given that it is written in Javascript, I doubt it ever will.*
Can I infer from this that you do not believe the requirements are satisfied, specifically because it is not generic enough? Otherwise could you clarify why not?

Bump because I am still waiting for kjj to clarify his statement, or for the other people who committed to the bounty (jgarzik, etc) to chime in.
sr. member
Activity: 461
Merit: 251
November 26, 2013, 03:00:55 AM
Getting from a non-selfish steady state to a selfish one would certainly be risky and expensive for the attacker - he'd have to struggle to maintain his fraction of the overall hashing power along the way - but it might be worthwhile for him in the long run.  I guess that's one reason why a simulator would be nice to have Smiley
A miner could (I think, haven't simulated it) become "gradually" selfish, by just withholding some blocks for a little bit of time, to keep the difficulty down and his percentage of the revenue up!
Yeah, makes sense to get to "full selfishness" in a kind of quasistatic process in order to avoid any significant loss of revenue during the transition.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 110
Andrew Miller
November 25, 2013, 11:19:17 PM
Getting from a non-selfish steady state to a selfish one would certainly be risky and expensive for the attacker - he'd have to struggle to maintain his fraction of the overall hashing power along the way - but it might be worthwhile for him in the long run.  I guess that's one reason why a simulator would be nice to have Smiley
A miner could (I think, haven't simulated it) become "gradually" selfish, by just withholding some blocks for a little bit of time, to keep the difficulty down and his percentage of the revenue up!
sr. member
Activity: 461
Merit: 251
November 25, 2013, 11:15:21 PM
So the attack indeed assumes that the SHA256d processing power of the world is static even though in reality it is exponentially increasing?

And it indeed ignores the fact that a lower difficulty means more miners?
Getting from a non-selfish steady state to a selfish one would certainly be risky and expensive for the attacker - he'd have to struggle to maintain his fraction of the overall hashing power along the way - but it might be worthwhile for him in the long run.  I guess that's one reason why a simulator would be nice to have Smiley
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
November 25, 2013, 11:05:29 PM
That's cool, but the key metric for a miner is not percentage of revenue, it's revenue per hour.

It seems to me that this behavior (*) only gains a higher percentage of revenue by lowering overall revenue. It'd be nice for some simulated numbers which shows that, though.

(I'm not sure how you'd even do a simulator though, since this behavior lowers difficulty, which in turn would attract more miners. Does the simulator assume that the SHA256d processing power of the world is static even though in reality it is exponentially increasing?)

(*) Sorry, I still refuse to call it selfish mining, because so far as I can tell there's actually no advantage to doing it.
I think the idea is that if the attack can be sustained long enough for the difficulty to adjust downward to reflect the much higher orphan rates induced by the attack, then that higher percentage of revenue will equate to a higher overall revenue.

So the attack indeed assumes that the SHA256d processing power of the world is static even though in reality it is exponentially increasing?

And it indeed ignores the fact that a lower difficulty means more miners?

The attack assumes a lot of things.  My personal favorite is that global block spread can be described by a state machine with percentage chances for state transitions.
sr. member
Activity: 461
Merit: 251
November 25, 2013, 10:45:52 PM
That's cool, but the key metric for a miner is not percentage of revenue, it's revenue per hour.

It seems to me that this behavior (*) only gains a higher percentage of revenue by lowering overall revenue. It'd be nice for some simulated numbers which shows that, though.

(I'm not sure how you'd even do a simulator though, since this behavior lowers difficulty, which in turn would attract more miners. Does the simulator assume that the SHA256d processing power of the world is static even though in reality it is exponentially increasing?)

(*) Sorry, I still refuse to call it selfish mining, because so far as I can tell there's actually no advantage to doing it.
I think the idea is that if the attack can be sustained long enough for the difficulty to adjust downward to reflect the much higher orphan rates induced by the attack, then that higher percentage of revenue will equate to a higher overall revenue.
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
November 23, 2013, 09:39:43 PM
I intend to release a much more polished, documented and approachable general simulator in the coming days, far more efficient than my original post. Here some progress was made implementing difficulty adjustments, transactions (mempool, UTXO) and even niche things like mapOrphans, and bitcoind's SendMessages-style polling. (It's also now tested to work on firefox, chrome is still better.)

I intend for it to use a middleware pattern when I'm all done:

var btc = new Node()
btc.use(PeerMgr) // peermgr.js
btc.use(Inventory) // inventory.js
btc.use(Transactions) // transactions.js
btc.use(Blockchain) // blockchain.js
btc.use(Miner) // miner.js

var net = new Network()
net.add(100, btc) // run 10 seconds

You can attach to network events with .on, and do PoW tasks/polling with .prob and .tick.

Ultimately I just hope my simulator architecture can help inspire future research for the community. Thanks for the feedback.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 110
Andrew Miller
November 23, 2013, 04:27:55 PM
So far, this does not meet my requirements.  Given that it is written in Javascript, I doubt it ever will.*
Can I infer from this that you do not believe the requirements are satisfied, specifically because it is not generic enough? Otherwise could you clarify why not?
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
November 23, 2013, 04:03:12 PM
If neither of us get to it first, I'm willing to pitch in 1 BTC as a
bounty for building a general bitcoin network simulator framework. The
simulator should be able to account for latency between nodes, and
ideally within a node.  It needs to be able to simulate an attacker that
owns varying fractions of the network, and make decisions based only on
what the attacker actually knows.  It needs to be able to simulate this
"attack" and should be generic enough to be easily modified for other
crazy schemes.

So far, this does not meet my requirements.  Given that it is written in Javascript, I doubt it ever will.*

Still, this is really neat work, and I've enjoyed watching several runs of it evolving.  I was planning to send him a tip just for that, and I'd encourage others to also.

* Note that I can be outvoted on this matter.  From the later email, "Also, I don't want anyone to think that they need to satisfy me personally to collect on either of these two bounties.  I will pay mine for a product that is generally along the lines I have laid out, if a couple of the core devs (Gavin, Greg, Jeff, sipa, Luke, etc) agree that your work is useful."
sr. member
Activity: 461
Merit: 251
November 23, 2013, 03:54:45 PM
At a quick glance, eb3full's post here predates the other two by a couple of weeks, and is more full featured.

I'm slightly biased here, but only because I saw an early prototype of ebfull's simulator months ago, thought it was really cool, and since then have been looking forward to seeing the improved version.

Mostly unrelated, but this simulation was also acknowledged by the ES authors:

I started writing my simulation because this one didn't appear to be fast enough to do proper Monte Carlo simulations.  I think there'd be a lot of value in being able to do this.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 110
Andrew Miller
November 23, 2013, 03:34:32 PM
At a quick glance, eb3full's post here predates the other two by a couple of weeks, and is more full featured.

I'm slightly biased here, but only because I saw an early prototype of ebfull's simulator months ago, thought it was really cool, and since then have been looking forward to seeing the improved version.

Mostly unrelated, but this simulation was also acknowledged by the ES authors:
sr. member
Activity: 461
Merit: 251
November 23, 2013, 02:48:20 PM
kjj, jgarzik, is this bounty considered closed with eb3full's submission? Or is it still pending? Is anyone else currently attempting to claim it?
I'm not sure if they were seeking the bounty, but these two were posted to the mailing list a few days ago:

I'm also working on a discrete event simulation using SimPy, but not because of the bounty, so don't worry about mine regarding that.  It's more of a learning exercise.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 110
Andrew Miller
November 23, 2013, 12:34:29 PM
kjj, jgarzik, is this bounty considered closed with eb3full's submission? Or is it still pending? Is anyone else currently attempting to claim it?
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
November 08, 2013, 04:09:51 PM
Nice! Can you open source this?

Is the simulator accurately modeling how orphan blocks are (not) relayed?

It would also be useful to see total revenue, and total-revenue-expected-if-everybody-mines-honestly for both the entire network and the attacker.

Here's my repo for it:  (same license as bitcoin-qt)

I'll be better documenting and cleaning up the code. Also, orphaned blocks are now displayed with a strikethrough if they are absent on the best chain. In addition, the proposed patch (honest miners mining on random branches rather than the first branch received) has been added as a parameter.

This is really cool.  I've been watching it run on a couple of computers here.

I'm getting consistent results here, showing that the selfish mining strategy is a really good way to lose 20-30% of your mining revenue.  I'll note that this is roughly what I was expecting.  In every other context, the whole world considers it obvious that getting your blocks out as fast as possible is a good thing.  Still, science is the art of not fooling yourself, and getting the result you expect is not the same as showing that a model has skill.

As fun as this is, it needs to be much faster to be really useful.  We need hundreds or thousands of runs, covering hundreds or thousands of blocks.  We also need to verify that model parameters are realistic, and that the simulation isn't adding or causing un-real effects.  We should also invite the authors to verify that the attack behavior is implemented correctly.*

* To the limited extent possible.

I'd also like to know if the attack behavior is implemented correctly, as it appears the paper on the attack has many flaws -- the algorithm they describe is contradictory and has typos.

However, I think you're reading the revenue of the attacker wrong on the simulation. It's the revenue the attacker has accumulated as a percentage of all of the revenue of the best chain.

My approximate results (after 10000 blocks each):

35% normal, no attack: ~37.17% revenue
35% selfish, no sybil: ~37.57% revenue
35% sybil: ~37.05% revenue
35% selfish, sybil: ~48.8% revenue

20% normal, no attack: ~20.92% revenue
20% selfish, no sybil: ~10.9% revenue
20% sybil: ~21.55% revenue
20% selfish, sybil: ~23.11%

This is using a completely different network topology than bitcoin's network tends to have, but it does show that some mixture of parameters (like how well the attacker is connected, the propagation speed of blocks, the orphan rate) makes the attack practical. I've adjusted random things to see the effects: for example, with a higher natural orphan rate, the attack is much more effective as you might imagine, because the attacker can get a better lead on the honest miners.

Yes, I'd love to have an UI like this on top of the real simulator, right now it seems a bit more concerned (CPU wise) to re-arrange it's nodes than to actually simulate, especially if you drop a few more nodes.

I've changed the simulator, now it will not render as often as it will compute, especially at higher speeds. You can also turn off visualization if you'd like. This has improved it significantly.

Ultimately the best simulator will not be in javascript, I'll admit, but I think I can make this simulator efficient enough for rapid prototyping of ideas on a small scale.
Activity: 3430
Merit: 3083
November 08, 2013, 01:01:45 PM
It would be interesting use the simulation to see what marginal benefit, if any, can be attained for a Block Discard attacker at 49.9%-50% hashing share. Could it help to give the attacker a leg-up into majority hashing?
Activity: 2618
Merit: 1007
November 08, 2013, 03:27:18 AM
Yes, I'd love to have an UI like this on top of the real simulator, right now it seems a bit more concerned (CPU wise) to re-arrange it's nodes than to actually simulate, especially if you drop a few more nodes.
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1026
November 07, 2013, 11:24:46 PM
This is really cool.  I've been watching it run on a couple of computers here.

I'm getting consistent results here, showing that the selfish mining strategy is a really good way to lose 20-30% of your mining revenue.  I'll note that this is roughly what I was expecting.  In every other context, the whole world considers it obvious that getting your blocks out as fast as possible is a good thing.  Still, science is the art of not fooling yourself, and getting the result you expect is not the same as showing that a model has skill.

As fun as this is, it needs to be much faster to be really useful.  We need hundreds or thousands of runs, covering hundreds or thousands of blocks.  We also need to verify that model parameters are realistic, and that the simulation isn't adding or causing un-real effects.  We should also invite the authors to verify that the attack behavior is implemented correctly.*

* To the limited extent possible.
Activity: 2618
Merit: 1007
November 07, 2013, 06:26:56 PM
Would be awesome if we could somehow create our own straegies (e.g. "new block arrives: ignore and mine on old block vs. accept and mine on new block").

If there could be a generalized model of this, then one could even do automated simulations with evolutionary algorithms (e.g. weakest 10% of miner strategies are killed off, 2% random strategies are introduced, best 4% of strategies are once mutated and once copied) to discover maybe yet unknown strategies that might be even better.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 2317
Chief Scientist
November 07, 2013, 05:42:19 PM
Nice! Can you open source this?

Is the simulator accurately modeling how orphan blocks are (not) relayed?

It would also be useful to see total revenue, and total-revenue-expected-if-everybody-mines-honestly for both the entire network and the attacker.
hero member
Activity: 740
Merit: 500
Hello world!
November 07, 2013, 03:43:30 PM
Could we not test it in "real life" on the testnet?
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
November 07, 2013, 01:48:51 PM
I've updated the simulation to complete it, and incorporate Peter's suggestions.

It's a lot more useful. You can specify the simulation parameters and completely simulate the selfish mining attack. The defaults are fine.

Here's how it works:

  • Node 0 is given a specified "hashrate".
  • If you enable the sybil attack, node 0 will have enormous network influence to simulate a real sybil attack. This is necessary to make the selfish mining attack practical.
  • If you enable the selfish mining attack, node 0 will withhold blocks it finds as described in the selfish mining paper, and will propagate only what is necessary to retain a revenue advantage over the network.

It would be even better if I can specify the exact network conditions of the bitcoin network (average latency etc.) and see the threshold for the attack in practice.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1168
November 06, 2013, 11:48:26 PM
Ummmm... isn't this attack protected by the fact that people are encouraged to use one of the "official" bitcoin clients and not a modified client which allows the bad nodes to get together and exploit the network in some way? Inviting people to use a purposely malicious client is ridiculous and proves nothing because the security of Bitcoin is based on the assumption that the majority of nodes are going to be running good clients.


Just like how as a Canadian I leave my keys in my unlocked car and protect it with a post-it note saying: "WARNING! If you steal this car I will politely ask you to apologize!"
Activity: 1536
Merit: 1000
electronic [r]evolution
November 06, 2013, 11:22:50 PM
If the attack vector is the non issue suggested by the development team, why not put out a modified client which implements a selfish mining strategy, and invite people to test the integrity of the network. That would put the issue to bed once and for all. The author of the paper was criticised for a lack of empirical evidence, so how bout a bit of empiricism from his detractors?
Ummmm... isn't this attack protected by the fact that people are encouraged to use one of the "official" bitcoin clients and not a modified client which allows the bad nodes to get together and exploit the network in some way? Inviting people to use a purposely malicious client is ridiculous and proves nothing because the security of Bitcoin is based on the assumption that the majority of nodes are going to be running good clients.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1168
November 06, 2013, 11:06:11 PM
I've been arguing for ages that miners don't have an incentive to broadcast their blocks to more than 50% of the hashing power; seems that my initial analysis was wrong and the threshold is actually only 29.3%:[email protected]/msg03200.html

Think you could add this to your simulator? Simplest version is to just create a single miner with, say 35% of the hashing power and see if they get more blocks than the others. (per unit hashing power) If that proves true, we can try simulating this by failing to relay blocks, large blocks etc.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
November 06, 2013, 09:42:58 PM
If the attack vector is the non issue suggested by the development team, why not put out a modified client which implements a selfish mining strategy, and invite people to test the integrity of the network. That would put the issue to bed once and for all. The author of the paper was criticised for a lack of empirical evidence, so how bout a bit of empiricism from his detractors?
Activity: 3430
Merit: 3083
November 06, 2013, 08:49:17 PM
It's oh so amusing to me that the alternative to simulating this so-called attack is to buy upwards of 1 Petahash of mining equipment, call it 1.75 Ph/s to be sure, install and connect it, re-write miner software code to always attempt the Discard attack, deploy mining and wait for "success".
full member
Activity: 151
Merit: 100
November 06, 2013, 07:52:59 PM
Well, you'd need to do real mining and also have real clients. This makes it a bit more complex than simulating with metrics that you either just guess or measure from the current live network.

Agreed but perhaps some customizable testnet sandboxes would be of some benefit? I'm sure there are some block erupters out there that people would be willing to use to donate some hashing power to the cause. I'll offer up my old mining GPU Smiley
Activity: 2618
Merit: 1007
November 06, 2013, 07:47:05 PM
Well, you'd need to do real mining and also have real clients. This makes it a bit more complex than simulating with metrics that you either just guess or measure from the current live network.

full member
Activity: 151
Merit: 100
November 06, 2013, 07:07:51 PM
Is there any reason this couldn't be done on a dedicated testnet?
Activity: 198
Merit: 101
November 06, 2013, 07:00:15 PM
I couldn't find a thread about this so I'll just post a new one.

kjj, Jeff Garzik and some others on the mailing list have put up a bounty for a:

I'm willing to pitch in 1 BTC as a
bounty for building a general bitcoin network simulator framework. The
simulator should be able to account for latency between nodes, and
ideally within a node.  It needs to be able to simulate an attacker that
owns varying fractions of the network, and make decisions based only on
what the attacker actually knows.  It needs to be able to simulate this
"attack" and should be generic enough to be easily modified for other
crazy schemes.

I've finished a basic implementation of this here:

Forgive its ugliness and the fact it's in javascript.

Explanation: 100 nodes are created which all mine with varying probabilities of solving a block every "second", they mine on the longest chain they see. Node 0 is an attacker which (if you press "sybil attack go" right at the start) has enormous network influence, and incidentally will act as a bootstrap node for the simulation. If you toggle the attack, node 0 will begin propagating blocks in deliberate attempts to orphan competing blocks (so-called selective propagation). You can see the effects this has, in my simulation given the right conditions the attacking node will have success.

The colors represent different chainstates (do reference client developers even still call it that?) and the nodes which are responsible for them. The chain doesn't include transactions or anything like that, just keeps track of the "revenue" of particular miners just as the SM paper describes. The visualization will show forks at the most recent height if there are any.

However, I'm not sure the simulator can be completed without having a public discussion about a number of topics. What is the bitcoin network topology, things like how many supernodes there are, the average latency between nodes, and some of the emergent behaviors of network propagation? Most of the discussion about this has been limited and sparse on the forums, but the simulator can adapt to it. How much of the attack do we need to simulate, and exactly what is controversial? It doesn't appear (to me) that throwing latency at the attack makes it less serious, just slightly less practical.

Whether the incentives are in place to deter this activity, is an economic discussion I'm not prepared for.
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