Current price according to CMC is 0.00006331 BTC/token, thus in total 0.012662 BTC. I would sell it for 0.011 BTC.
If someone is interested to exchange, please pm me. If the user is trustable I would go first.
I can transfer directly to buyers exchange address. It is a great chance to make quick margin gain.
How come that you're legendary at bitcointalk and you still don't have an account at Bittrex?
Why would you expect a legendary member to have a Bittrex account? Bittrex forces strict KYC upon anyone that uses the exchange so it's very reasonable for someone not to want to deal with that shit. OP is presenting a good arbitrage opportunity for someone who does have an account and since it's convenient for him, he doesn't mind taking a small loss. Nothing here strikes me as being suspicious and I would do it myself if I could use my Bittrex account.