As the title suggests, we've created another from-scratch custom business solution
and are posting it for sale. Below you'll find the details with pictures, descriptions,
and links to demo(s).
The Summary1. We love automated trading, so we made ourselves a bot.
2. We love the bot, so we built a platform to sell & run it for multiple people
3. We suck at marketing, so we're selling it all to someone who doesn't.
Price: 10 BTCThe Long VersionWebsite / DomainThe website for the bot is currently hosted at:
https://bitcointradebots.comFrom there, you can see the various parts of the system:
https://bitcointradebots.comSettings / Payment: website is completely branded with a custom from-scratch design.
How it WorksHomepageUsers visit the homepage of the bot (website listed above) and click the "get started" button.
From there, a unique player hash is created & appended to all page urls. This player
hash is like an email/password all in one without requiring either.
SettingsUsers are then able to choose their settings, choosing a bot type to run in a certain marketplace
with a certain currency pair. Active now is The Scalper on with the LTC/BTC pair,
but we've coded it (again, from scratch) to be simple to add additional pairs & marketplaces -
just hire an outsourcer to look at the code & mimic how we did it.
They'll choose the numerical settings for the bot to run with, and enter their API credentials
to allow live trading. From there, they'll click the "start botting" button which will prompt
them to pay however much you want to charge for access to the bot.
Their payment is detected live without needing the page to refresh, and when complete swaps out
the button with a "Save & Start Botting" button.
BottingLastly, they'll be able to monitor their bot's performance updated live on the page, showing
their current available trading balance, open trades, completed trades, stats, tickers, logs,
etc. Most importantly, they'll see how much profit their bot has generated for them thus far.
This is the main screen they'll return to to watch how the bot is doing - and is personally
my favorite part of the whole thing, seeing it working in real-time.
Demo is here: & SupportIf users get confused for whatever reason, they can visit the Frequently Asked Questions and Support
links at the top to get educated and/or email
[email protected] (or whatever email you want).
The Technical DetailsThe bot runs via php and is displayed via html/css/javascript (jQuery). It needs a LAMP environment,
as it uses a MySQL database environment and runs best on Apache.
To do the live trading / reporting, it uses node.js to constantly process the trading API for all
active paid users behind the scenes. All in all, it's very efficient and scalable.
Our suggested server setup is a Ubuntu LAMP stack over at DigitalOcean of the 4-8 MB sort
(only $40-80/mo-ish).
Also, the whole thing runs on an SSL (https) so any to/from web traffic is completely secure from prying eyes
Our OfferWe're selling this complete package - the domain name, the database, and the front & back-end script/files
necessary to run it successfully.
With this, you'll be able to sell your own trading bots to users at whatever price you deam fair.
We were going to charge 4 BTC (as you can see on the site now) - but hey, that's just us.
All settings are easily configurable (payment address, demo account player hash, support email, etc.).
Most importantly, we're offering to help set this up for you on your own server environment, all the way
from having no server to it running smoothly. If you need a server, we'll show you where to get one
(digital ocean) and even set it up for you.
Upon delivery of the business-in-a-box, we'll fully support and help with any questions you might have for
an entire month (and most likely forever - we're nice guys and on Skype waay too much).
Escrow is available if that's your thing - we've done plenty of high-dollar trades with and without, so
to each is own.
Please feel free to ask any questions you might have; I'll post them below in a FAQ as they accumulate.