What is it?
Sanpei Faucet is a PHP script package that provide to create a cryptocurrency faucet. Sanpei faucet is the easy way to create your own faucet even if you didn't know PHP programing language. Sanpei Faucet inspired by many of other faucet site, therefore Sanpei present to make it easy for you to having own faucet. Just put sanpei faucet to your hosting and do little configuration and your faucet will alive
Template Features:
Ads ready (support GoogleAdsense)
120x600: 4 place
468x60: 4 place
728x90: 3 place
Included Ads sample image
Admin Panel
PreLoader (Pace and Metro)
Engine Features:
Clean code
no junk code
RSS ticker plugin
you can add rss ticker from your site to increase your site's traffic
Disqus (http://disqus.com/)
interactive comment
Captcha service (reCaptcha and SolveMedia)
NP-AdBlock Friend (Anti AdBlocks)
detect if user use adblockplus and block your ads
Statistic Plugins
TimeCircle Plugins
Microwallet core
Faucetbox core
VISIT this for complete text: http://www.cryptocurrencyid.org/2015/01/sell-sanpei-faucet-script.html