Hi ,
Ive been receiving some credits on Paytoo (Online Wallet) from a company called GGN as a Wesbte Hosting network seller . When i created my paytoo account as a request to get paid on GGN , i saw a feature which can let me create Mastercards Virtual Cards
http://prntscr.com/8qhrt1Therefore , i I would like to sell on this thread post Mastercars .
FaqsWhere can you use it ? You can use them with Paypal , Google cloud , purchasing on Amazon , and any other wesite that accepts Mastercards , also to buy goods or services are available , and the list go on .
What are the expiricy of the M virtual Cards ?They can be use in during a range time of 1 year.
What is the BIM Number of each card? The first 6 digits of the Virtual cards .
http://prntscr.com/8qi5esInfo i can only create 10$ vcc or more on funds for each card .
http://prntscr.com/8qi6f4Epiricy of the cards?
1 year
Payments accepted BTC OR
PP , Pm me or add me to raymond.collin1
Thanks for reading
and post if you have any questions .