With some luck and skills, you may recover my password and would be able to access the coins. I don't have that power / pc.
So I decided to sell it here.
wallet address - 1LHjrPBeEYQv1f219VQcQ71EBpwvp3hdD5
information about the password:
* password has English character set
last screenshot I found
Buy my wallet.dat here:
Yet you can find it here: https://github.com/mady2077/walletBTC/blob/master/1LHjrPBeEYQv1f219VQcQ71EBpwvp3hdD5.md
And the KB on the wallet file size is different. 72KB vs 96KB.
You took another wallet edited it, and try to sell it as your own.
Be wary of buying other wallet files, as it tends to be a scam.
You also took a screenshot of the same image in that page link.