I started a faucet about a month ago mostly as a service to the community to promote bitcoin as a currency. In the past few weeks it has started to develop a significant amount of traffic with a relatively low bounce rate.
Since the site has a lot of users and my payouts are high which ensure visitors return I need to start selling advertising in order for the faucet to be sustainable.
Totally affordable rates are as follows:
468x60 Banner ad = 0.005 BTC per month unlimited impressions
250x250 Box ad = 0.003 BTC "" ""
Permanent Side text ad link = 0.075BTC For the life of the website!! Limited supply only 7 spots available.
Your ads are rotated and show throughout the site, you will receive thousands of impressions daily. If you are interested you can leave a post or contact me.
You will need to provide me with your banner to include it in the rotation.
View my website stats here
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