License prices:
Standart : 5$ (0,02132 BTC)
Professional : 15$ (0,06397 BTC)
Premium: 30$ (0,1280 BTC)
Enterprise: 60$ (0,2561 BTC)
Ultimate: 90$ (0,3838 BTC)
Purchase instructions:
Step 1. Make transaction to the following BTC address: 1Nmqr2JnDMbVZcBbxXBbakkcNkqMcdGQ5w
Step 2. Send email message with BTC transaction id and requested license name to: [email protected] (your email address will be paired with registration code)
Step 3. You'll recieve email message with registration key when your transaction is confirmed.
NOTE: Registration code will be valid ONLY for your email address you used in step 2.
Upgrade metohd:
This method allows you to upgrade Standart license to other one.
Step 1. Purchase Standart license using "Purchase instructions".
Step 2. Test your Standart license.
Step 3. Upgrade to other license by purchasing the substract between the new licence you requested and Standart license.(e.g. Ultime - Standart = 85$, 0,3619 BTC)
NOTE: When upgrading license, in Step 2(Purchase instructions), include the BTC transaction from the Standart license you purchased before.
The thread is locked because many users would accuse my offer of scam
If you have questions, you can send me PM.