Ian Bakewell runs the BAKEWELL mining asset on bitfunder. Information:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.1145458This debt is for an asset loan to ian bakewell.
7,737 G.SDICE
Interest was agreed upon at 3.5% weekly. Values obviously depend on the value of the assets loaned, but after interest it should be around ~130 BTC. Last conversation I obtained from March 16th:
[1:46:03 PM] Ian James Bakewell: yeah im still alive, been out in the field. Home for the weekend, then back out.
Ahh, what do you do? if you dont mind me asking
Some ppl were concerned about you due to something with btcjam may or may not being late
[1:47:14 PM] Ian James Bakewell: im a carpenter / scaffolder ... so usually I am working maintenenca on the rigs or out in the oilsands, working out on a friends farm right now modifying some trailers
I hadnt seen you post lately so I just wanted to make sure you were alright.
[1:48:23 PM] Ian James Bakewell: yeah i fucked up on the btcjam thing, didnt realize the payments would start immediately, so some see me as in default
Obviously there is a risk of him not paying back, but if you believe ~30BTC in profit is worth this risk then send me a PM and I'll sell this debt. He has Avalon orders, which should mean he won't have any trouble paying back if he is honest.