
Topic: Selling League of Legends Account (Read 664 times)

Activity: 10
Merit: 0
September 25, 2014, 09:38:34 PM
Hey there! I'm looking to sell my League of Legends account.
It's 100% mine, started from scratch. Ended S3 with Gold and has now decayed to Silver 1.
Currently has 4248 IP and 6 RP, 9 Rune Pages with plenty of runes of all kinds, 968 Normal wins and a 25/55 Win/Loss ratio in ranked at 60 points. Has 103 Champions and lots of skins being (legendaries and season rewards will be in parenthesis and bold):

Akali: Crimson Akali - Amumu: Pharaoh Amumu - Anivia: Hextech Anivia, Blackfrost Anivia (Legendary) - Annie: Red Riding Annie - Ashe: Frelijord Ashe, Amethyst Ashe - Blitzcrank: Definitely Not Blitzcrank - Cho'Gath: Gentleman Cho'Gath (Legendary) - Corki: Urfrider Corki - Dr. Mundo: Corporate Mundo (Legendary) - Elise: Victorious Elise (Gold Reward S3) - Ezreal: Nottingham Ezreal - Fiddlesticks: Surprise Party Fiddlesticks - Fiora: Headmistress Fiora - Gangplank: Special Forces Gangplank - Garen: Commando Garen, Steel Legion Garen - Gragas: Scuba Gragas, Gragas, Esq, Vandal Gragas - Heimerdinger: Alien Invader Heimerdinger (Legendary) - Janna: Queen Janna - Jarvan: Darkforge Jarvan - Jax: Angler Jax - Katarina: Kitty Cat Katarina, Slay Belle Katarina - Kennen: Swamp Master Kennen - Kha'Zix: Mecha Kha'Zix - Kog'Maw: Jurassic Kog'Maw - Lee Sin: Muay Thai Lee Sin - Leona: Valkyre Leona - Malzahar: Dijin Malzahar - Master Yi: Chosen Master Yi - Morgana: Ghost Bride Morgana - Nasus: Galactic Nasus, Infernal Nasus (Legendary) - Nautilus: AustroNautilus - Nidalee: French Maid Nidalee, Pharaoh Nidalee, Bewitching Nidalee, Headhunter Nidalee - Nocturne: Haunted Nocturne - Nunu: TPA Nunu - Pantheon: Myrmidon Pantheon - Riven: Battle Bunny Riven - Shen: Yellow Jacket Shen - Shyvana: Ice Drake Shyvana - Singed: Augmented Singed - Sion: Hextech Sion - Sona: Arcade Sona - Soraka: Celestine Soraka - Swain: Bilgewater Swain - Talon: Dragonblade Talon - Teemo: Cottontal Teemo - Tristana: Firefighter Tristana (Legendary) - Trundle: Traditional Trundle - Tryndamere: Highlander Tryndamere, Sultan Tryndamere - Twitch: Gangster Twitch - Vayne: Dragonslayer Vayne, Aristocrat Vayne - Viktor: Prototype Viktor - Volibear: Rune Guard Volibear - Yasuo: High Noon Yasuo - Zed: Shockblade Zed - Ziggs: Snow Day Ziggs - Zilean: Time Machine Zilean

According to LOL Calculator (which is agreed to be the most reliable source, my account is worth 245.95$ which translates to about .6034 BTC, however I will sell this account at .596 BTC.

If you have any questions, are intrested, or I missed anything, be sure to tell me in the comments below, otherwise if you want to contact me about the sale feel free to send me a private message.

Have a nice day!
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