200usd/month PM to purchase.
Support now Windows 7 - Windows 10!
ESP [Fullscreen] =
- Players
- HP Bar (show health on Players)
- Distance (show meters on Players)
- Nickname
- Weapon
- Vehicle (F4 show/hide)
- Loot (F2 show/hide)
- Line (draw line to every enemy in sight)
- Boxes (Box ESP)
- Crosshair (Red Crosshair in the middle)
- Panic option (Toggle the whole cheat off, can toggle on anytime, press DEL to activate)
Radar =
- Radar (choose, whether it should be a circle or not.
- Side (choose, which location it appears on the bottom screen.
Aim =
- Bone (choose, where the Aimbot aims at)
- Key (Aimkey, which key you want it to be, many options available)
- Dot (Show a red
- on the enemy, where you aim at)
- Smoothness (Choose how smooth you want it to be)
- Distance modificator (Choose how Aimprediction works on distance)
- Jump (modify how much delay between Jumps)
- No Recoil (choose how much Recoil you want to have on the weapon)
- No Reload (in beta, doesnt work really but quits away the animation)
- The vacuum cleaner (automatically loots everything you walk over, including airdrops and dead bodys, equip attachment automatically)
- Autoheal (uses Heal automatically, instantly) PUBG Hacks
- Flying Cars (works best with Dacia, fly it over the Map, NoClip included. Can choose to control with mouse or key)