Price changed to $0.05 in BTC per packet! I'm now officially making negative profit because I am stubborn!
Haha, I am in for at least a pack, so I can say I bought something 'real' with bitcoins to people who ask me.
What is your cost though? Hate to make people lose money on things.
I get 10 for a dollar, so my cost is $0.10
Any chance of EU shipping?
Ramen are almost ~1$ here and i consume ALOT, om nom nom.
I'll look into it.
Do you have any of that picante beef flavor of Top Ramen? If that's the case, in for one or two, depending on if shipping stays free.
I do!
Saw some demand for this in another thread. It might've been said jokingly, but I thought I might give it a shot. $0.05 in BTC will now get you one packet of Top Ramen!
If you mean the $0.05 USD cents converted to BTC for 1 pack of Top Ramen, I'll bite!
That is indeed what I mean!