
Topic: Selling Windows Azure VPS Free Trial (Read 1117 times)

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April 04, 2014, 07:14:19 PM
Hello and welcome to my Windows Azure account shop!

Today I am happy to announce that I am starting selling Windows Azure Free Trial accounts!
Windows Azure offers you the chance to make multiple VPSes, all ready for bitcoin mining!

You may sign up yourself for a free trial, however to make multiple of these,
you need to have a new phone number, IP adress and credit card for each account!

The accounts last 30-45 days if you do it correctly!

Price: $13.95 (Or egual amount in BTC)
Accepted Payment Methods: Bitcoins, PayPal, Skrill
Warranty: 72 hours

Skype: ShipBoston

Guidelines for a long lasting account:
* Only log into the account with one IP adress
* If you multiple accounts, use one IP adress per account
* Don't delete and create new VPSes more than once a week
* Upgrade the account to 'Pay to Go' when credit goes below $40
* Don't use up more than 16 tiers

Terms of Service:
* If account banned within 72 hours you get free replacement.
* The account's can last up to 45 days if you follow the guidelines
* After purchase and warranty time, you take full responsiblity of the account

Contact me on Skype: ShipBoston / post on thread / send a private message on TBN
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