It doesn't have any feature that makes it stand out from the crowd, plus you're only providing the source code, it would have been worth it if you sold the whole website. Best of luck with your sales, I suggest you to lower the price and don't make the source code exclusive because this doesn't have any point. Less money for you, more expensive price for your customer.
Pardon? A user would require adaptive payments with PayPal, just the API access and this would be set up and then the margins can be set from there. The website has automatic payment processing, nothing about it is manual...
SSL certificates are fine with the website... it's set up to run on SSL's which can be provided via Cloudflare which is what I would advise any buyer. FURTHERMORE, it says bid... I never said anybody has to pay $2,000.
I didn't say that payments aren't automatic, I said that they have to be setted up manually with Paypal APIs. I see that you fixed the HTTP resources in the website, best of luck with sales.
Apologies, was slightly confused with what you were saying!
I'm more than happy to help anyone get approved and setup the server for them (for free, of course). No problem with me!