I'm about to receive 15k in Bitcoin.
I'm.looking to receive them into my Coinbase account and was wondering whether I can send and receive BTC on there without them wanting a scan of my ID, a request that is insane given the security risk.
Can I do that over Coinbase? Is there a better service, if Coinbase won't let me do it?
Thank you!
I've used coinbase for a god one or two years and only stopped mid last year. I was able to receive and send BTC without any ID provided. The worst case scenario that I've seen with people using coinbase is that their transactions were linked to gambling websites that coinbase prohibits in their terms and conditions, and their accounts suspended. But they were still able to withdraw funds from it.
But just because that was the case in the past, doesn't mean that they can't request ID docs for you.
I think the best bet for you right now is to probably use electrum or if you don't want to download anything, even blockchain.info would work. Coinbase is technically an exchange. It's too much money at risk.