Simply create a new wallet using the "Use a hardware device" option (DO NOT have the Ledger wallet app open, and make sure you have already connected your Nano S, entered the PIN and opened the BTC app).
Sorry, something that I don't understand: you say "DO NOT have the Ledger wallet app open" and then "make sure you have already connected your Nano S, entered the PIN and opened the BTC app" - are these two statements not in cotraddiction? If the BTC app has been opened is the Ledger wallet also not open?
No, they are not in contradiction to each other... Part of the confusion comes from the fact that there are TWO types of "app" involved... Firstly, the CHROME browser based "webapp"... and secondly, the "app" on the Ledger Nano S device itself...
"app" on device (you "open" it by clicking both buttons together):
I should have been a bit clearer... apologies. It should have read: ""Use a hardware device" option (DO NOT have the CHROME browser-based "Ledger Wallet Bitcoin" webapp open, and make sure you have already connected your Nano S, entered the PIN and opened the BTC "app" on the Ledger device).
I have not the Nano S but have the HW.1 and it should be the same, when you connect your wallet to the USB port of the PC, this means the wallet is connected but not the bitcoin app. You have to open from the programs menu the bitcoin app. So see the difference, it is not the same.
No, they HW.1 and Nano S aren't quite the same... As explained, you don't just connect the Nano S and the wallet is connected... there are TWO components to the Ledger Nano S when trying to use a particular coin... the CHROME browser-based "webapp"... and then an "app" on the device itself which you have to open.
Ok, I've got it. it's not the same. But still, how can you have the BTC app open while you are not having the Ledger wallet open? He says ""make sure you have already connected your Nano S, entered the PIN and opened the BTC app" which means that at that point also the wallet will be open ("when you connect your wallet to the USB port of the PC, this means the wallet is connected") and he says "DO NOT have the Ledger wallet app open". See the contraddiction?
Again, apologies for the confusion... I wish Ledger had never used the nomenclature "app" to refer to the "coin selector" on the device itself... it can lead to confusion between the chrome webapps and the "apps" on the device itself, if the person trying to explain isn't careful