
Topic: Sending Unconfirmed BTC from Specific Address? (Read 387 times)

full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
December 17, 2017, 12:16:17 AM
Hi thanks for the response.  I got it accelerated according to the website but of course i don't know how long it would take.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
There is no obvious way to tell if a transaction has been "accelerated" or not... and I doubt anyone receiving bitcoins would even care. Why would they? They got their bitcoins...

Anyone can "accelerate" any given TransactionID (assuming the transaction satisfies the conditions of the service they're using, ie. for ViaBTC, min 10 sats/byte fee and no unconfirmed parent transactions). You could for instance just look at any random transaction waiting in the mempool and go and accelerate it on ViaBTC assuming it met the requirements.

ViaBTC only provides 100 slots PER HOUR. Given how high fees are right now, and the 100,000+ unconfirmed transactions out there, it is understandably a VERY popular service (nevermind the scores of users trying to leverage it for income by "begging" for tips to accelerate peoples transactions Roll Eyes)...

Their website is possibly suffering under the strain when thousands of people all click submit at the top of hour... personally, I have had a great deal of success with it... (assuming I haven't screwed up my fee calculation and sent with a fee <10 sats/byte Tongue Roll Eyes... but we won't talk about that!  Lips sealed)
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
HCP thanks.  I will make sure dynamic fees in on from now on when i send.

Want to ask you something else but not sure if you know about this or not.  I heard about viabtc accelerator.   I tried to put the transaction id in and the cache and submitted it right at the top of the hour but i keep getting a 502 error for some reason.

Someone tells me i can just give them the transaction id and then they can do it for me and try.  Its not this forum but another and that forum is pretty helpful with posters.  Its not a bitcoin forum.  They mentioned they did it for someone else and it worked when someone asked if they could it for them.  I can confirm this is true because on that forum the other guy told him thanks it got confirmed.   Do you know if this is fine?  I ask this because I sent btc to an exchange.  So when that person enters my transaction id in viabtc acceleration and it goes through, the exchange would not know someone else tried to do the viabtc accelerator for me right?   Like would the exchange notice okay i sent btc to the exchange but it got accelerated by someone else?
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
No one knows for sure... what you need to realise is that these "within X blocks" things are ESTIMATES ONLY! (based on the network conditions/average fees AT THAT TIME)

There is ZERO guarantee that if you select 1 block, that it will only take one block... it could be that 100,000 people send transactions 1 minute after yours with fees that are all higher... your transaction gets bumped to the bottom of the fee size pile, you end up waiting 2 days.

All you do by increasing the fee, is increase the odds of getting a faster confirmation than if you set a lower fee.

As every says ALL the time... check here: and here: and then set your fee RATE accordingly.

Remember it has NOTHING to do with the $ value or the total value of your fee... it is the RATE (satoshis/byte or BTC/kB) that will likely determine how soon your transaction is picked up. For example, 10000 byte transaction with 10 sats/byte fee = 100,000 satoshi fee (0.001 btc)... will likely take a LOT longer than a 226 byte transaction with 300 sats/byte fee = 67,800 satoshi total fee (0.000678 btc)

Turn off dynamic fees and set your fee manually at your own risk.
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
HCP or anyone else who is expert with these btc fees, the btc i sent is shown pending deposit on bittrex.  Does that mean the btc will get there eventually?  Also, would there be a way to resend it with a higher fee so it gets there faster or not?

So i had i clicked dynamic fees, then it would have gotten there already?  It was still sent within 25 blocks but it was the slowest one i chosed.
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
HCP yes i know i sound very confusing.

Anyways, i sent the btc as how i normally do and did not do the spend from option.

I have one issue though.  I did not check the dynamic fees when i sent the btc.  What i did was move the fee bar myself and did the minimum fee for within 25 blocks... which shows a fixed rate of 0.0009btc/kb.

I paid about 0.00020 in btc fees which is like $3.70

Right now on my electrum, it shows it as replaceable with an arrow sign.  When i clicked on the dynamic fees, i believe the fee was set at 6 dollars or so but then i unchecked it.

How long would it take for this to go through?  And there is an option to increase the fee it seems.  When should i do that if it takes too long?  The other thing is this.  I read someone posted their transaction and someone was able to speed it up for them or something?  Can you tell me how that would work?  Frustrated because i should have just checked dynamic fees and not think about it.

Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
Mate... your question makes NO sense... Inputs show outputs? Huh "btc address I'm SENDING to"? Huh Are you sending Bitcoins to yourself? Huh

Addresses coded in GREEN = Electrum Receiving Addresses
Addresses coded in YELLOW = Electrum Change Addresses

If you have two outputs and one is in yellow, you are going to get change.

I'm still not sure why you care whether it takes coins from an address you "used a lot already"... doing what you're trying to do will mean you can NEVER spend those coins!!?! Roll Eyes
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
Again the reason i dont want to send the btc as is, is because it would be sending from the btc address that i used a lot already.  So i wanted to not have any btc being sent from the old address as when i click on preview, it shows that address on the input. 

But ifs all these addresses are linked such as that btc address that i used to receive btc recently is already linked to the btc address i used a lot, then that means doing what im doing won't matter at all then right?
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
HCP, so say i have 0.06 btc in that address and i had received 3 different btc withdraws to that address total.  Such as 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 btc.  I want to send the entire 0.06 btc.  So when i do this, i click spend from.  Then i type in the amount of btc i want to send.  Do i put down exactly 0.06 btc?  Or whatever is 0.06 btc - the sending fee?  That would matter here right?  I assume i should be sending exactly 0.06 btc... and then the btc fee would be deducted from my other address?  But if i send 0.059 btc it would be different?

i have many addresses that are in the used section.  Many of these show 1 transaction tx only but few of these i never used the actual address to send.  This is due to the change address i believe etc.

When i click the preview... it shows


3 different outputs...  and the btc address im sending to like this

xxx       btc address im sending to
xxx       btc address im sending toxxx       
xxx       btc address im sending to


2 different outputs

One is an output that is in yellow that i dont know where its from
One is the btc address im sending to

So can i still do it this way if thats what it shows on my inputs?  I don't know how you get 1 address only as an input?  It shows 3 different inputs.

If i just click send that 0.06 btc as is without doing anything...

It shows


A btc address that i used quite a bit that has lot of transactions


btc address that im sending to
same btc address as above i posted for the output when i used spend from

So based on that, does that mean i can't do what i want to do here?  Thus i dont want any btc being sent from that btc address i already used quite a bit with lot of transactions?  My whole purpose here is i dont want to use that btc address to send/receive anymore for a while. 

Also is the btc address that i received the btc recently... can someone tell if its related to a btc address that i used before such as link them? 
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
It depends... if you try to send more than the amount in the address, it will need to combine more inputs to make the amount you want to send...

for instance:

Address A has a total of 0.1, received as:

Address B has a total of 0.6 received as:

If you send 0.6 (ignoring fees)... there is a good chance your wallet will send just the output from Address B. However, if you decide you want to send 0.65, it is going to need to add in the coins from Address A to make up the difference.

If you want to be 100% certain, you can just click "preview" and make sure Electrum is using only one input... if it isn't, you can just go ahead and "spend from" a specific address if you want.

full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
Hey hcp sorry for asking so many questions.  But here, are you suggesting that i just send btc as is without clicking send from then?  Because if i don't aren't it going to connect to my old btc addresses that i used?  Or it would not?
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
HCP, the reason i want to do this is because one of the btc addresses that i used before, i used it a lot.. over 50 times etc.

So if i send the 0.06 btc as it is normally, wouldn't the new btc address that i use to receive btc transfers twice be connected to the btc address that i used over 50 times etc.  i don't want it to be connected as i read people say its better for privacy which is why im asking this.
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
Also i noticed that if i do it this way, the fee to send is higher than oppose to me just clicking send without spend from that address.  Is that normal?

I'm trying to send this to a site right now but want to make sure i do this correctly.

full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
Hey HCP.  I received btc twice in the same address that i never used.  Thus imagine like 0.01 btc and 0.05 btc later etc.  So it shows up total as around 0.06 btc on that address.

I want to send exactly 0.06 btc total minus sending fee... so if it cost 0.001 btc to send, then i want to send exactly 0.0059 btc.  That way after i send it, the btc balance on that address is exactly 0.

I right clicked and click spend from. 

When i do this, it shows the pay to address.

Then also it shows the 2 addresses that are showing that i received from and of course my btc address with the btc amount received each time.

So i can just copy/paste the btc address i want to send to.  Then the btc amount i would send such as 0.0059 btc.  Then make sure the fee when added to the amount im sending is exactly the total amount of btc i have in that address... then i click send?

Can you confirm this would work?  So the receiver would receive the btc but they will receive it all at once right?  Thus the entire 0.059 btc?  Also assuming i had request 5 btc transfers recently and asked them to send all to an address i never used.  Then it would show From... 5 different addresses.  That still works the same way?

I'm going to send the btc soon to a site and i want to make sure everything im doing is right?  Im using electrum 2.9.


full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
HCP.  So i want to send 0.03 btc right now to another site.  I received exactly 0.03 btc from another site before this.  Now i want to send the whole btc amount minus sending fee... say fee is 0.001btc.  So i would just send btc as normal to the address and put 0.029 as the amount of btc to send. 

Is that good enough or not?

I don't want to test any testnet etc.  Im not that computer savy etc...
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
Electrum will incorporate multiple inputs when the amount you are trying to spend is larger than your largest single input. (Ie. It cannot be spent from only one input)

You can use the coin control features of spending from specific addresses if you want more fine grained control.

As per Bitcoin protocol, whole inputs will ALWAYS be consumed... You can't leave half an input behind... If you don't send the whole amount, some comes back as change (in Electrum, by default, this will be a "new" address)

My advice to experiment with TestNet still stands. It's the only way you're going to fully understand what Electrum will and won't do... As opposed to just continually asking hypothetical questions, go play with the system without any danger of financial loss Wink
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
HCP, right now i have btc in many different addresses in my electrum wallet.  Reason is because they do the change address thing.  And so say i received about 0.023658521 btc recently that i want to send to another site.  But i want the btc that i received to be the exact btc that i send to the other site.  Such that any btc that i currently have before receiving the 0.023658521 btc, i want it to remain untouched.

So if i send 0.023658521 btc minus the sending fee... will all that btc automatically be deducted from the new address that i recently received my btc?  Because if so, then i will just do it this way as oppose to doing the spend from that you mentioned?  I just recalled whenever i sent btc to other sites the regular way, i notice btc would be deducted in like a couple of btc addresses i have etc which is why i ask this.  That is what i want to do right now because any btc that i receive now to a new address, i want to send exactly that btc and not have any btc from any of the old address i used because i read this is good for privacy.

Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
Honestly, you're just making more work for yourself unnecessarily... but whatever floats your boat.

If you choose to ignore the fact that Electrum will do pretty much ALL of this automatically, then go right ahead and do whatever you want... Roll Eyes

Honestly, if you're desperate to test all this out... load up Electrum in Testnet mode... v3.0.3 installer creates a "Testnet" start menu item. Get some testnet bitcoins from some testnet faucets... and practice with Electrum without worrying about losing any money if you mess up.

or give me a testnet address and I'll send you a couple of coins
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
Hey there.  The thing is this.  Any new btc that i receive, i want it to be sent to either a new address or an address that i might have used only a few times.  Then when i send those btc to a site or exchange, i want to send all of them from that exact address... thus i dont want any btc leaving or entering the other btc addresses i have.

Thus if i have 0.02012382 btc that i received from a site, i want to make sure i transfer exactly that amount including the fees so that btc address will to exactly zero.  And also the btc in the other addresses to stay the same.  Does that make sense?

Well the reason i ask this is because people say its better that way.  Thus use a btc address once only etc.  Thus i want to receive btc to new address, and when i send btc, i want to make sure the btc that are sent comes from exactly that address...
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
Then just don't mess with Electrum and let it do it's thing... it will automatically take care of handling change addresses and fully spending coins sent to an address. You're over-complicating things for yourself and worrying about things you don't need to.

Just remember to give out a new address every time someone wants to send you coins. Some services don't allow this, there is nothing you can do about it. But at the end of the day, it isn't going to break anything.
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
Hi there thanks for that information.

Okay so for example, let say i want to send the entire btc i have in that specific wallet.  Lets just say its 0.03 btc to make it simple.  When i do this, i then could change the fee etc.  So i want to make sure my balance on that address goes to exactly zero as i read its best to not use an address so many times etc.  So say i want to send the entire 0.03 btc.  When i click on the sending fee, let say its so and so.  I should subtract the 0.03 btc and the sending fee amount right, that way it adds up to exactly 0.03 btc i am sending?

Im confused with the second part.  So doing this could mean the transaction takes a lot longer than normal?  I don't know what the cpfp means.  I basically want to not have any btc sent from my other addresses as i want any btc i receive now to go to a new address and it be used a few times only as i read you should not be using btc address more than once etc.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4363
No, you need to go to the "Addresses" tab FIRST... right click on the address you want to spend from and select "spend from"... this will then populate the "Send" tab so that ONLY the coins in that address will be spent (you'll see a "FROM" box with just the inputs in that address and you'll notice the max amount is NOT your full wallet balance).

Then you put in the address you want to send to, and the amount you want to send... and the fee you want to use.

Bear in mind that doing this will create a chain of unconfirmed transactions... and there is NO WAY this transaction can confirm, until the inbound transaction is confirmed.

Are you attempting to do a "Child Pays For Parent" (CPFP) transaction?
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
Hi there.  Okay i will uncheck that box.  But when i go to the send btc page, i put the btc address i want to send to and the amount.  For the fees, is it best to leave it at 10 blocks or make it 25 blocks?  Its like a 1-2 dollar difference and it already cost 12 dollars to send which is ridiculous.

So i input all that information, btc addres i send to, amount of btc and fees, then instead of clicking send btc.. i have to then go to that page with the btc address i want to send from and click spend?  Then it would ask me for my encryption password right to send the btc?  Thanks.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 603
Yes, you can spend unconfirmed transactions and in electrum to do that you need to uncheck the 'Spend only confirmed coins' options in your preferences as displayed in my screenshot here:

Basically your unconfirmed input that you spend, will also create a transaction that'll be unconfirmed until the input is confirmed. So basically you've receive bitcoins into address '1HEZVUm.....' and you can spend by sending a payment to that website you're mentioning and it'll make use of this address now as an input. The only drawback is that you're in a bit of a shaky situation here cause your inputs haven't been confirmed and hence your output won't either until it has been.

To send Bitcoin from a specific address which has your unconfirmed coins, first go to 'View' in menu bar and click 'Show coins'. After that you can right click on that specific address and click spend. Note: Just check, if you're on an older version of electrum (probably 2.7) then you'll have to do this from the 'Address' tab. In the address tab right click on the address and click 'Send From'.
Activity: 3500
Merit: 3249
Happy New year 🤗
I received some btc recently on a new address that i have not used.  It shows as unconfirmed.  Can i send btc to another site right now exactly that amount of btc from that specific address?  Or i cannot do this?  I know if i send btc to another site that amount of btc in my wallet, i can do this because my wallet has that amount of btc.  Its a very tiny amount of btc.  Like 0.003 or so.  It shows that amount on the unconfirmed and i read bitcoin is very slow now and lot of unconfirmed transactions.

And how do i send btc to a site from a specific address?  I want to send it from that btc address that i just received from but it shows unconfirmed.

I think you can't send your bitcoin to other address if its not spendable or its still no confirm it takes a long time get confirm if you send it to other bitcoin address.. you can use some services to accelerate your transaction to get confirm your transaction here
And after you submit it should be confirm in few hours..
Also if you don't want your transaction to be delay or to get confirm for too long you should pay fee higher than the default fee you can check the chart here for updated default fee chart
full member
Activity: 1792
Merit: 186
I received some btc recently on a new address that i have not used.  It shows as unconfirmed.  Can i send btc to another site right now exactly that amount of btc from that specific address?  Or i cannot do this?  I know if i send btc to another site that amount of btc in my wallet, i can do this because my wallet has that amount of btc.  Its a very tiny amount of btc.  Like 0.003 or so.  It shows that amount on the unconfirmed and i read bitcoin is very slow now and lot of unconfirmed transactions.

And how do i send btc to a site from a specific address?  I want to send it from that btc address that i just received from but it shows unconfirmed.

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