OK, I understand better now.
Before we continue, please ensure that you have downloaded the official Electrum software for your OS from
It is highly recommended that you verify the signatures of it just to be 100% sure that you are using a software that is signed by Electrum developers. I usually follow
this guide when it comes to Electrum verification.
All your private keys are derived from your seed and stored on your Trezor. Importing addresses or public keys into Electrum creates watch-only wallets. Those wallets don't allow you to spend your coins because there are no private keys to sign the transactions. However, Trezor's support seems to suggest that you will be able to sign the needed transaction with the private key on your Trezor after importing the public key of the address where your BTC was sent to.
I suggest you follow the guide they made for you. Did they give you the correct derivation path but you removed the numbers and posted only M'/XX'/XXX'/0'?
Since Electrum seems to have recovered the balance, that's a good sign. You should now try to send the transaction to a BTC address on your Trezor. After you install Electrum, recover the wallet as explained in the guide. Click on
Tools >
Preferences and change the
Base unit to BTC. After that, click on the
View tab and
Show Coins (if you don't see the tab already.
When you click on the coins tab, you should see the transaction you made. Now right click on it and click on
Spend from. Navigate to the
Send tab and fill out the transaction details. Your receiving address on the top and the entire sum in the
amount field. You can use
https://mempool.space/ to determine what fees to pay. Since it's only one UTXO, you wont pay much. If you select the low priority recommendation, you will wait longer but spend less on mining fees. Picking the high priority recommendation logically does the opposite.
Electrum will ask you to verify the transaction details on the screen of your Trezor to make sure you are sending to the correct address. Pay attention that you do that properly. Your coins can't be lost if you ensure that they are sent to an address you control. In this case, one that is part of your Trezor wallet whose seed you have.
One more tip. While you are working in Electrum, you need to close Trezor Suite as you can't have both open at the same time.