but the 1000$/1Mio problem isn't affected by this. Real security problems in such a system will come from the inside and are undetectable untill the money is gone. It isn't about someone hacking 10 servers, it's about someone having/getting control of 10/2 servers and deciding to steal/blackmail funds once the price is right. It might be even sufficiant to block funds and make an public offer to steal funds.
Old pools had been trustworthy/capable in the past with littel funds,but that doesn't mean that will be in the future with big money. New pools could be set up for fraud when a specific sum is reached,...
Incentives for honest servers are far smaller than for potential criminals, so criminals would put greater efforts into getting in because there is an additional bonus. The randomizing doesn't affect criminals payouts since they then haven't enough power in all but statistically pools, which is actually infavor for them. Adding more security features will make people more confident, but doesn't solve that fundamental problem that I belive is the most threatning to OT.
Bulletproof on one one day, death and chaos on the next ...