I also believe that we are not yet really alive in the sense that who we become on Earth is part of a growing process of the human soul. I will leave it at that for now.
It is possible that one day, humans may discover how to transfer the consciousness of an individual from the human body to a more durable mechanism such as a robotic being.
Or, perhaps to simply recreate a human from their full dna profiles. A human dna profile takes up over 700MB of data but since variances beween individuals is less than 1% ... An individuals uniqeness is stored in about 4MB pairs of data. Just add that to the basic human dna profile and you are you.
My question:
Would there be an eventual market for a blockchain technology to store your unique dna profile for future re creation?
Tamper proof blochain makes the profiles secure and it could be the book of life, fulfuilled by science.
however, no matter how much we want to make and live a human who has died, the core of man himself, the Spirit cannot be imitated. Physical is only hardware but the Spirit is software and the essence of life