I really do not understand why there is no breakout boards for server psu HP 570493-101
There are many for other server psu but this psu is much better then all others and there is no BB.
Examples with efficienty and watts taken by fans (cooling):
HP 570493-10150% load (about 1200W so for example 8 GPU rigs) 94,62% !!! + fans/cooling only 1,56W !!!
100% load (about 2400W) 93,01% !!! + fans/cooling only 5,4W !!!popular
IBM DPS-2000BB (rated as gold psu in report, not platinum)
50% load (about 1200W so for example 8 GPU rigs) 92,6% + fans/cooling 13,37W !!!
100% load (about 2000W) 90,92% !!! + fans/cooling 22,95W !!!HP - you can find even cheaper then IBM, HP much more efficienty, more Watts and fans/cooling takes much less Watts (fan power is not included in efficienty calculations)
Other psu with good efficienty but take many watts by fan
delta 2880W
- almost 50W no matter how psu is used (delta 2400 probably takes the same Watss from fans)
Maybe somebody make breakout boards for server psu HP 2400 (2450) with 18 PCIe
It is much better psu then DPS-2000BB or HP 1200. HP 2400 will take much less Watts and can be used also to power 2 rigs.