as we know, that the price of cryptocurrency fluctuates, sometimes above and sometimes below and certainly not unexpectedly. on the one hand There are several aspects that can affect the price of cryptocurrency currencies.
and Some factors that can affect the price of crypto such as:
1. Supply and demand
The supply and demand of all types of electronic money will affect the price. Electronic currency has a lot of supply, but demand is less, prices cannot be raised. While electronic currencies have limited supply, it is expected to see prices that increase significantly
2. Utilities
Utility is one of the most important factors when searching for electronic currencies and making investment decisions. If electronic currency solves a problem, that is, it is very useful, but it is not reflected in its price, such money is still underestimated. This is a good indicator, even if it is undervalued, but once the market begins to realize the importance of such coins, chances are the price of electronic currencies will increase.
3. Psychology
Market Positive or negative market news can also be a factor in deciding whether the price of electronic money rises or not. The reason for this is that, depending on market news, the perception of the value of the coin can change.
4. Mining problems
Increasing mining difficulties mean that it is difficult to increase the supply of coins of this type, compared to increasing demand, which can cause the price movement of electronic currencies to rise. This factor requires that you have technical knowledge about the types of coins you want to invest because this can play an important role in future price movements.
I think these several factors affecting cryptocurrency prices are interwoven. In addition to what other respondents have mentioned, government policies is also a major factor. Cryptocurrency have lost some ground and slow in adoption because of some policies of government of different countries against or not in total support of it. If government of some countries give room or more rooms for the thriving of crypto, definitely the price is going to improve and vice versa.