What are the lowest fee exchange websites? I have accounts in the most populars and always look for the lowest fee when doing a transaction. Is this pretty common? am I the only one? Is there a 1 for all exchanger?
Is trading with bots the only way to make money? if not, Is it actually profitable? Can any of you guys elaborate about bots on this matter?
Do you rely solely in the common sources for trading? let it me, blockfolio, common forums and news websites, exchangers charts?
I have a lot of troubles reading charts, is there a tutorial or guide you know to learn how to analyze large amounts of data? I have a pretty solid IT background but no idea where or how to begin.
Thanks in advance, all responses will be deeply appreciated.
For using exchanges I can tell you that BTC-E or HITBTC or Cryptopia for low fees. Also could try Bittrex.
I would say steer clear of Poloniex for awhile, they have support and withddrawal issues that takes weeks to months to resolve. A lot of bad stuff happening there and your coins will be tied up or lost.
The other exchanges I listed above have never given me trouble.