I have 3 unconfirmed tx on this address:
https://blockchain.info/address/1CoLd1dwf9TMiieTUYAep4u8FYHEer3QM4I have used confirmed inputs but somehow blockchain messed up and all of them are not confirming.
1 of them is not confirmed since 71 hours.
I have read that it takes 72 hours for bitcoin to reapper in wallet for further usage.
Is it true or it will take more time.
P.S: I used blockchain.info wallet
I'm not sure where the 72 hours cane from but it's just wrong.
Generally, your transaction just keeps being broadcast.
You could make an electrum wallet for example and sweep the private key the inputs are related to in order to free up the coins (as that'll make a new transaction to yourself with a higher fee)
You can then go back to spending these (although theres lots of inputs so it might be too expensive to sweep them).
Consider changing from block chain.info their bad with fee estimates.
Try with escrow.ms to accelerate it or there's also macbook-air if that doesn't work.