so does god provide for people like this then why can i provide so much for my kids and i don.t believe in god you think he make me suffer
i know i can make money the secret is not to be lazy money is god at this present time..
God is good.
You and I know nothing. God made things stable enough in the universe that we can plan for tomorrow. But it isn't always this way. Think of the car accident, or the person who wins a big lotto. They didn't know. They hoped and planned, but it worked out differently than they though it would.
see the only way to be totally free is everything is free
Nothing is free. We are locked in cause and effect. It is God who is directing cause and effect, often according to our wishes, so that we think and feel that we have freedom. True freedom is in God alone. Seek Him.
if i want a car i just go and get one from a show room for nothing what ever i think of that man uses becomes free.
what ever i need and money is attached to it then i become a slave for money to buy these products
because i want it i need money for it so i am now a slave for money..
so unless we get everything for free we will always be slaves..
This is true. But you have much good in life. God directs things in life so that you have good, even though you are a slave to cause and effect, which He controls for your good.
so you see the super rich some where along there blood lines they also were slaves really if you think about it
if i make a billion dollars i have been a slave to get this because i had to work hard to achieve this..
The superrich are slaves of cause and effect just like everyone else. They do not know what will happen. Here is the danger for the superrich. They trust in their riches rather than God. God gives them much good, but they trust in their wealth rather than in God.
Wealth can be a snare.
You have the chance to be trust in God in a much easier way than the wealthy people. You don't have the great distraction of great wealth.
then if i pass that money to my children then they are truely free..
and this is what man and women strive for
so where is god in all this
God is in everything in all this.
God gives many things. He gives wisdom and understanding and knowledge.
The wealthy people who became wealthy by working for it, used their wisdom and understanding and knowledge to become wealthy. Many of them didn't realize that they were losing God by being wealthy.
God is more important than all the wealth in the world. Wealth is gone in the minute of death. God holds your life for all eternity, and will raise you from the dead at the last day. Do you want to be an enemy of God at that time? Or a friend?