So I've been trying to get sgminer to work with my RX570 cards. Unfortunately it doesn't and apparently can't find any of my cards.
Note that my cards work fine with any other miner I throw at them. They are all found in device manager. They are all working. None of them has that yellow triangle. Simply put - the GPU's work.
When I try to start the miner I get the following error:
[23:52:28] clDevicesNum returned error, no GPUs usable
[23:52:28] 0 GPU devices max detected
If starting using --ndevs I get the following:
[23:52:28] CL Platform vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
[23:52:28] CL Platform name: Intel(R) OpenCL
[23:52:28] CL Platform version: OpenCL 2.0
[23:52:28] Error -1: Getting Device IDs (num)
[23:52:28] clDevicesNum returned error, no GPUs usable
[23:52:28] 0 GPU devices max detected
I've tried both the (as of writing) latest blockchain drivers from AMD but also the latest "regular" drivers (17.9.3).
Any ideas? Thanks!
Edit 1: I've tried --gpu-platform 1 and it made no difference. Probably because sgminer can't find my GPU's for some reason.
Edit 2: I've also tried sgminer 5.3.4 and 5.5.5 with the same results and error messages.