Hi all, developer of MacMiner here and planning to update to add GPU mining for a bunch more alt currencies. I've compiled the nicehash sgminer from here
https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer for macOS 10.11+ and it's available for download here:
http://macminer.fabulouspanda.com/commandline/sgminer/But I'd really appreciate help checking all the algorithms work. -k X11, -k blake and -k Lyra2REv2 are all I've tested so far. Please post any results you get to help me add function in the next MacMiner upate!
Hopefully supports the all following algorithms: Credits, Scrypt, NScrypt, Pascal, X11, X13, X14, X15, Keccak, Quarkcoin, Twecoin, Fugue256, NIST, Fresh, Whirlcoin, Neoscrypt, WhirlpoolX, Lyra2RE, Lyra2REV2, Pluck, Yescrypt, Yescrypt-multi, Blakecoin, Blake, Sia, Decred, Vanilla, Lbry and Sibcoin