Okay, that page is kinda interesting, but their classification of SHA-2 as "Serious weakness discovered" is rediculous. I would say that in the worst case SHA-2 is in the "Minor weakness discovered" catagory. Even then, look at the 2007 note they use for why SHA-2 was marked as weak: "In 2007, the NIST launched the SHA-3 competition because "Although there is no specific reason to believe that a practical attack on any of the SHA-2 family of hash functions is imminent, a successful collision attack on an algorithm in the SHA-2 family could have catastrophic effects for digital signatures." One year later the first strength reduction was published."
The strength reduction is barely significant from a computational point of view. You can still compare the complexity of the attack to the number of protons in the universe... And no full-round collision has been found years 6 years later.
A bit of background on what is means to break a hashing algorithm:
A secure hash algorithm depends on its ability to produce a unique hash for any specific set of data. A collision occurs where the same hash value is computed from for two different sets of data. Collisions do not represent breaks in an algorithm, but may possibly expose a weakness. When collisions are known, an attacker may be able to, for example, alter data without changing the resultant hash. A strong hash function is one that is resistant to such computational attacks. A weak hash function is one where a computational approach to producing collisions is believed to be possible. A broken hash function is one where there is a known way to reliably compute collisions.
Other academic weaknesses are common in hashing algorithms. These weaknesses often propose methods of slightly shortening an all-out bruteforce attack on the alrogithm. Current, meet-in-the-middle preimage attacks exist against SHA-2 - these show that the first x number of steps can be preimaged, and reduce the work required to compute a hash. The best attack so far reduces SHA-256 to 42 steps (about 66% of the total 64 steps), but requires significant memory and disk resources to achieve this minimal reduction. (attacks reference:
http://eprint.iacr.org/2009/477.pdf http://eprint.iacr.org/2009/479.pdf) IMO, so far, no publication about SHA-2 has shown anything that would cause real worry about the algorithm's security for bitcoin's purposes.
None of this really matters to bitcoin's use of SHA-256 for Proof of Work. Unless SHA-2 is completely broken with a way to reliably generate data with a given hash, any further weaknesses are unlikely to affect it's usefulness for PoW. Future vulerabilities may make SHA-2 based hashing algorithms a poor choise for password hashing and data signing, but are unlikely to break it in a way that damages its effectiveness as bitcoin uses the algorithm.
If the day comes where we see an effective attack against SHA-256 that affects bitcoin, the community will likely fork the blockchain and switch to another hash algorithm. Any damange to the blockchain can just be reverted by resuming the chain from a previous checkpoint with a new hashing algorithm. [If that needs to happen, however, all ASIC devices would become useless...]