This thread is purely on study basis, all thoughts, references and input are welcomed.
I am making this discussion because I am studying blockchain and it's working, being a guy from Pharmacuetical science I am learning it slowly and publishing my work.
Parent Thread Here :
Blockchain - Understanding it step by step.
While learning about
SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) it came to my mind that it does have some limitations in terms of how many combination it can have.
We know that it is impossible to break the SHA and get what was original input. Since whenever we have input it will create almost gibberish output of 64 character SHA. Im not concern about its bite size and all since it has got nothing to with input, it's a
Part - I : All Possible Combinations
I am pretty sure its hexadecimal property makes it limited to a number of possible combinations. I have made an excel which will describe this number. I guess searching the number online can also give the same results.
A short heads up : SHA will have 64 characters length as shown in the picture below. I am calling it
Master Seed[Hypothetical] where all the characters are "0" which is nothing but
singularity. A seed where no hexadecimal is there,
it's just start point for our reference. Next part is we will replace each decimal out of 64 with rest of the characters that is 0-9 and A-F.
We will keep one decimal constant each time and will replace all the other decimals with all the available characters.
For example,
In below image you can see, I have kept first decimal "0" as constant while imagined that rest of the decimals can be replaced 16 times to give out different Seeds.
Below image explains this:
"0" is easy start point hence used it. Now each time one row is completed I will keep the second decimal constant and will again replace all the decimal thus giving another set of seeds.
Doing this with single row we can achieve number of possible combinations which are
1.1579208923732 E+77This I will keep doing total 64 times X-axis to Y-axis which will give out all the possible combinations.
* Calculation sheet is big so not all of them are fit into one snap. Check the excel for full part.
End Result : All possible combinations are fixed to: Possible Combinations : ( 1.1579208923732𝐸+77 ) + 64 of it.
Part - I : Breaking the Code Hypothesis
This is gonna be very difficult for me to explain as it is very complicated to imagine first and then describe my thoughts to you.
I will try to make it very easier so that I deliver what I want to say and get inputs from your side.
Let us consider that we are creating seeds everyday for something. Whether a noob is trying to checkout how SHA works and just type in some gibberish stuff, or there is a data server which securing some password or may be there is gambling site which creating numerous bets and thus seeds for it.
So every seconds N-number of seeds are getting generated.
Over the period of time as per
[Part - I : All Possible Combinations] we will end up finishing all the possible combinations in the ROW-1 of excel which are
1.1579208923732 E+77, a limited number!
Now for theoretical base lets just assume all the stuff that needed to have a seed was created by using possible combinations using this ROW only.
In the future, lets say we have Quantum Computer with 30-qubit power which would make trillions of floating-point operations per second
[Reference : How Quantum Computer Works] which will be programmed for making scanning through historical events of transaction.
What I mean by this is:
Teaching the QC (Quantum Computer) to know from where these Seeds generated.
May be like this :
For Letters In Capital: A : 559aead08264d5795d3909718cdd05abd49572e84fe55590eef31a88a08fdffd
B : df7e70e5021544f4834bbee64a9e3789febc4be81470df629cad6ddb03320a5c
C : 6b23c0d5f35d1b11f9b683f0b0a617355deb11277d91ae091d399c655b87940d
D : 3f39d5c348e5b79d06e842c114e6cc571583bbf44e4b0ebfda1a01ec05745d43
E : ------
F : -----
So on for all languages !For Letters In Small:a : ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48bb
b : 3e23e8160039594a33894f6564e1b1348bbd7a0088d42c4acb73eeaed59c009d
c : 2e7d2c03a9507ae265ecf5b5356885a53393a2029d241394997265a1a25aefc6
d : 18ac3e7343f016890c510e93f935261169d9e3f565436429830faf0934f4f8e4
So on for all languages !
Now there comes more complicated events from the past as well :
For example,
thousands of bets generating on betting site:
For this lets say algorithm gives you output of some multiplier by using input such as time of bet, how much money was at stake etc.
So ,
Output : x2.5 Input : Bets Player 120, Bets Value : $ 1200, Bets Time: 12:45, Bets Date: 11/05/2020
Seed : 86ecde3b95c9d60651374714b1893def8ae51430c31a522ac26e4f8e7a9d8cca
So on for all few million bets !
Now since Quantum works by learning mechanism that is you give teach it some examples and based on which it can intellectually learn billions of inputs and outputs based on that data.
So one day it could happen that there will some meaning to these seeds based on mathematical calculations. It will need huge computing power may be 100's of teraflops at any given time but it could be possible to know what was done on that seed.
Using Permutation-Combinations, Data Sets, Nature of Seed (where it was used), Neglecting and Accepting possibilities to give output, such theorem can be brought together to know everything that was in the
blockchain. This is solely based on number of possible combinations.
One day they will come to an end, one day all the combinations will be used for something, from space to enter in paragraph we create a seed. May be with some brilliant theories, with some hypothetical assumptions one could just
Break the code?
Please do take this Hypothesis as beginning of spark and something that is not yet fully studied. I just want to put-forth few possibilities that such mathematical expression can surely be possible which will help us break the code.
I respect the blockchain integrity but since it is extrapolation of what we input and output of a code that we have written ourselves will surely have some black holes.
This is completely open discussion thread, you can either take it seriously if someone has already had idea like this OR you can just have fun reading this and enjoy the impossible future prospects.
**Let me know if I have posted it in right section or not.**