has launched. Shakeswap.Finance is a USA based decentralized cryptocurrency exchange for swapping BEP-20 tokens. If you have used Uniswap/SushiSwap, then you’ll know how ShakeSwap works.
Forked from PancakeSwap with security modifications. Offers yield farming, pools, exchange of popular cryptos including DogeCoin and BNB Tesla, Amazon, and Netflix Altcoins. Introducing a range of new features that provide an all-in-one yield optimization platform built around the ShakeSwap token ($SHAK). Currently offers low fees for mining and rewards on Binance Blockchain. Connect through Metamask, Trust Wallet, and Binance wallets.
Future updates to include NFT Marketplace, $SHIB integration for exchange/pools, and SHIB/DogeCoin lotteries.
Project white paper states that early holders of $SHAK coin will have access to the Titan Parachain on Polkdot project through coin exchange.