About Bean Cash's Proof of Work phase:
SHA-256 ASIC mining is energy efficient so it was chosen for the initial distribution of the currency. Proof of Work is a great way to distribute coins to people. It's better than making an IPO or ICO, where almost always the developers and insiders buy all the coins from themselves. This makes for essentially massively pre-mined coins. Bean Cash had no pre-mine or IPO!
After it's initial distribution of 10,000 blocks to people mining all around the world, Bean Cash become a pure Proof of Bean (PoB) digital currency. PoB was active during PoW so about a third of those 10,000 blocks were Proof of Bean blocks. After PoW ended, their were approximately 606 million BEANs.
Innovative PoB (Proof of Bean) Technology:
For both merchants and consumers, Bean Cash offers a technology called Proof of Bean (PoB). PoB gives out rewards called "SPROUTs" to those who provide resources to the network. Merchants and consumers that hold BEANs in an active full node - are able to receive SPROUTs and thus earn interest and retain value. This provides greater value than simply selling BEANs to fiat currencies right away. This system, known as PoB (Proof-of-Bean) replaces PoW (Proof-of-Work), by securing the blockchain, using holdings of virtual beans instead of hash power. PoB provides the basis for a real proof-of-work system, since philosophically speaking, money is a a form of of proof-of-work in the past, and thus should be able to substitute proof-of-work all by itself.
After 6 hours of maturing, BEANs are eligible to Sprout new BEANs into existence on the network. Blocks which are found through Sprouting (or otherwise known as "staking" with some other digital currencies) are static blocks similar to PoW (Proof of Work). Each PoB block found will provide a reward of 1,000 BEANs (1 SPROUT=1,000 BEAN).
Bean Cash's Proof of Bean is a more effective way to provide an incentive to secure the network, than other digital currencies that give rewards based on a percentage method. Bean Cash's innovative Proof of Bean was one of the attributes that marked the first PoS v3.0 crypto currency.
Pihak developer Bean Cash (Bitbean) menyatakan bahwa sistem mining yang mereka gunakan disebut dengan Proof of Bean (PoB) dengan rewards yang dinamai dengan istilah "SPROUTs". Proof of Bean adalah pengembangan dari konsensus POS dan dinyatakan sebagai POS v3.0 pertama kali oleh pihak developer Bean sendiri.
Proses sprouting (staking) bean cash akan menghasilkan reward sebesar 1000 Bean cash tiap per 1 Sprout. Dan untuk memulai proses sprouting diperlukan beberapa hal sebagai berikut :
1. PC / Laptop dengan koneksi internet 24 Jam non stop (lebih bagus menggunakan VPS untuk hasil yg lebih maksimal)
2. Wallet untuk sprouting (
3. Bean Cash (minimal harus berada di wallet selama 6 jam untuk mencapai kondisi mature)
Sprouting Calculator (untuk menghitung estimasi profit dan bean cash yang diperlukan)
Tahapan-tahapan yang perlu dilakukan :1. Setelah mendownload wallet yg sesuai dengan OS (sy menggunakan wallet windows 64) lakukan proses instalasi wallet sampai proses sinkronisasi selesai dan jangan lupa untuk memberikan password.
2. Lakukan simulasi pada
Sprouting Calculator untuk menentukan berapa bean cash yang akan dibeli.
3. Lakukan pembelian Bean Cash pada exchanger yang tersedia (bittrex, crytopia, dll)
4. Transfer bean cash ke wallet dan tunggu kurang lebih 6 jam untuk proses mature.
5. Setelah balance mature, pastikan wallet pada kondisi terbuka. Jika wallet masih terkunci klik tombol
Settings (A) dan pilih
Unlock Vault (B)
6. Masukkan password pada kolom
Enter Passphrase (C), lalu centang fungsi
For Sprouting Only (D) dan akhiri dengan tombol
OK (E)
7. Proses sprouting bean cash selesai dan tinggal menunggu hasil sprouting sesuai dengan balance yang digunakan dan tingkat difficulty sprouting. Semakin besar balance yang digunakan untuk proses sprouting maka untuk menghasilkan 1 Sprout juga akan semakin cepat (lihat
Sprouting Calculator)
8. Untuk melihat sprout yang didapat bisa dilihat pada menu
Transactions (F) dan untuk detail tanggal dan jumlah sprout yang masuk bisa dilihat pada kolom dibawahnya (G)