I think the payment is very low for this service. A review of any website of more than 500 words is worth around $5, only if a beginner is doing it, and if an expert is writing the review, they may charge even more. Though it is not really a tough thing to do, but i think if the payments are a little higher, you may attract more quality writers to post reviews on your website.
Yes i understood that why i said you can rewrite or take reference from other site and rewrite to make it not look like complete copy paste ..yes rate is low because i don't ask to write complete profession article which like $5 ... hope you got my point
This is a good job and your post might attract a crowd of users but i would like to remind you that usually an email id is considered a private part of our data, what do you think if email id is sent to you in PM? or we must reveal such sensitive data here?
Edit: Email
[email protected]BTC 32FS9mC6BPFMm57p7fAH2ubg83awPeCq7V
no approved ..you have just put one 3 word review
http://prntscr.com/ga6gfm either you done any mistake to put whole review article ..or if this what you put the this not approved
Very interesting offer, but I agree with this comment. $1.50 is too low payment for a minimum 500 words + image review.
Please, consider increasing a bit these rates...
thanks for showing your interest i explain above what i am looking for and why rate is low