Look carefully, Telegram & Facebook they use.
They were also caught cheating in the same campaign.
Campaign Joined : Facebook, Telegram
Facebook Profile Link: https://www.facebook.com/soahil
Telegram username: @sarwari66
Bitcointalk Username: sarwari66
Telegram Username: @sarwari66
Participated Campaigns: twitter
Accounts Connected:
1. krulviper
2. andrelcs
3. happy sultan
Bitcointalk Username: sarwari66
Telegram Username: @sarwari66
Participated Campaigns: twitter
Post by: andrelcs
Telegram Username: @sarwari66
Related Addresses:
Telegram Username:@sarwari66
Facebook Profile Link : https://www.facebook.com/soahil
Proof they enrolled in the same campaign.
@sarwari: page:(3).
Topic: [BOUNTY] PayPDM - Decentralized Crypto Finance Firm ( 3M PYD / $320k ) [ENDED]
@krulviper: page:(4).
Topic: [BOUNTY] PayPDM - Decentralized Crypto Finance Firm ( 3M PYD / $320k ) [ENDED]
@sarwari: page: (36).
Topic: 🔴[BOUNTY DETECTIVE]🔴Candela Coin - 4,000,000 CLA (~$120,000) REWARD POOL 🔴
@andrelcs: page:(19).
Topic: 🔴[BOUNTY DETECTIVE]🔴Candela Coin - 4,000,000 CLA (~$120,000) REWARD POOL 🔴
Now being two different cases based on the main Alt account.
1. Cheating and Tire evasion.
so I will stop all this, I still have the conscience for it.