This information is written by me personally. It is not plagiarism. This information is in Russian. I personally translated and added. You could check my post for uniqueness. The uniqueness of my post is 98%. How can it be plagiarism with uniqueness in 98% ??
If it’s not your own original thinking or opinion or not common knowledge, give credit to the source. Paraphrasing or translating is perfectly legit as long as you give credit to the author of the original work. When you copy someone’s writing but change enough words around so it doesn’t look like you copied word-for-word, that’s spinning. Spinning is just plagiarism in disguise and if you call yourself a writer, you shouldn’t do it.
If not sure, play it safe and fair.
For discussion purposes, here is a copy of the original article.
Original source:
I can personally throw you the Russian-language site of media on which information was taken and translated into English. Even with their own inserts and so on. There can not be a coincidence!
I also see that you are doing ISO / Why are you writing to me. You did not find my article useful
When there is a novelty and they are written then in general as the story is one but laid out in your own words!