
Topic: Shi’ite fury after Saudi mass execution (Read 1894 times)

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Activity: 140
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January 30, 2016, 02:25:56 PM
In Iran there is also massive executions. In all this countries is sharia law. So shiit or sunit they do the same thing. In Iran is also sentence to death for lot of things, so it should not be surprised that the same thing happens in Saudi Arabia
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Activity: 560
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January 09, 2016, 02:30:48 AM
Saudi Arabia v Iran: Riyadh defiant and angry after turbulent week

Ian Black in Saudi capital and Jeddah finds commentators cataloguing alleged Iranian crimes as tensions continue to run high over execution of Shia cleric

on the surface, Riyadh’s diplomatic quarter looks perfectly calm, armed guards at checkpoints, Asian workers squatting between palm trees masking elegant modern offices and the crenellated towers of Saudi government buildings. Iran’s embassy is built in the national style – yellowish brick surrounded by high walls topped with surveillance cameras – with the green, white and red flag of the Islamic republic hanging limply in the winter sunshine.

But it has been a turbulent week. The Iranian mission now stands empty and silent, its diplomats ordered to leave en masse after the storming of the Saudi embassy in Tehran after Saudi Arabia’s controversial execution of a leading Shia cleric.

News of the death of Nimr al-Nimr instantly ratcheted up the already high tensions between two powerful countries ranged on opposite sides of a deeply unstable Middle East. Forty-six other Saudis – mostly Sunnis convicted for al-Qaida terrorist activities – were also beheaded or shot on 2 January. Three other Shias also died.

On Thursday, this war of supposedly inviolate diplomatic quarters escalated again: Iran accused the Saudis of bombing its embassy in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, where Riyadh leads the coalition trying to restore the government of the Arab world’s poorest country – and Tehran backs the Houthi rebels fighting it.

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January 07, 2016, 02:00:13 AM
Critics try, but fail to kill $1 billion weapons deal for Saudi Arabia

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos  Published December 12, 2015

WASHINGTON -- Barring last minute opposition from Congress, Saudi Arabia is poised to receive a hefty $1.3 billion weapons package that includes 13,000 “smart bombs” from the United States by the end of the year. But don’t necessarily expect it to be used to fight ISIS.

Critics say the payload of sophisticated weapons will instead bolster the Saudis' continuing air war against the Houthi rebels in Yemen. That campaign is drawing fire from human rights groups, who say the kingdom has been targeting civilians with American-made weapons, and may be responsible for war crimes.

“President Obama is poised to sell thousands of bombs and warheads to a government that unlawfully targets civilians,” Amnesty International, which has been lobbying hard for Congress to kill the deal, said in a statement Thursday.

More than 5,700 people, including at least 2,577 civilians — 637 of them children — have been killed in the eight months Saudi Arabia has led a coalition of Gulf States in the bombing campaign, according to the United Nations. Another 2.3 million have been displaced. Meanwhile, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights found that "almost two-thirds of reported civilian deaths had allegedly been caused by coalition airstrikes.”

“By selling the Saudis the weapons included in the latest deal, the U.S. will be further implicated in possible war crimes committed in Yemen and it will be helping to fuel an unnecessary war,” charged Daniel Larison, senior editor at The American Conservative magazine.

“At the same time the Saudis are using U.S. weapons in Yemen, they and the other members of their coalition have withdrawn their small contributions to the campaign against ISIS and diverted their resources to the fight that they consider to be more important,” he added.

The coalition has denied the accusations in published reports. Saudi Arabia is determined to beat back the Houthis, who deposed President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, in February. The Houthis are said to be getting support from the Iranians, and the conflict is largely seen as part of a regional stuggle between the Sunni Gulf States and Shia Iran.

After strikes killed 70 people at a wedding in Yemen in September, Saudi officials warned not to jump to conclusions. They have since blocked an international inquiry into war crimes there.  “We need to be careful about facts and fiction,” Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir told reporters at the time.

The concerns, however, have not escaped members of Congress, which has had 30 days to review the deal before it goes through.

While Sen. Bob Corker, R-TN., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, supports the action in Yemen, he has requested “that the committee be notified of future weapons shipments to Saudi Arabia resulting from this proposed sale,” according to an email forwarded to from the committee.

He is joined by ranking member Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., who has raised alarms about the human rights issue, along with other Democratic members.

They are not expected to stop the sale, however. It is the most recent in a long line of arms deals brokered with Riyadh -- $90 billion worth since 2010, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Reached for comment, the State Department, which engineered the sale, called Saudi Arabia “a key U.S. strategic partner within the region,” and that “the purchase of these munitions will rebuild Saudi Arabia’s inventory, helping them to meet their defense requirements over the long term.”

On the human rights issue, the State Department says it has “noted our concern several times regarding civilian casualties and deaths in Yemen,” and has encouraged the coalition to investigate “credible accounts of civilian casualties.”

“Ultimately, we want to see a diplomatic solution,” the agency said, and noted the start of peace talks in December, in concert with a seven-day ceasefire.

Saudi Arabia, a long time ally of the U.S. in the Middle East, has nonetheless been the subject of criticism on a number of fronts. In addition to its human rights record in Yemen, the kingdom has been cited for abuses at home, including beheadings over the last year for crimes such as “sorcery” and “apostasy” against Islam. The legal system is based on sharia law, and religious freedoms there are all but non-existent, say critics.

Saudi Arabia is also the birthplace of Wahhabism, the radical fundementalist strain of Islam practiced by global terror groups like ISIS today. While the kingdom has partnered in counterterrorism operations with the U.S. and its Gulf neighbors, it is also accused of turning a blind eye while the country’s elites pour billions into extremist mosques, madrassas, and terror-related organizations across the globe.

Tafheen Malik, one of the shooters in the recent San Bernardino attack, came to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia.

“At a minimum they have to stop aiding and abetting Wahhabism; I would hope that the administration would make that a condition,” said former Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., who is now the Jerry and Susie Wilson Chair in Religious Freedom at Baylor University, and presses often on Capitol Hill for protection of religious minorities in the Middle East conflict zones.

Saudi officials have long denied the complaints and have often pushed back against detractors. Early this year, they blocked an arms agreement with Sweden after its foreign minister Margot Wallstrom called the kingdom a dictatorship and criticized the sentence of 1,000 lashings it imposed on a blogger there. The kingdom called her remarks "offensive."

But the issue has become so pronounced in recent months due to the terror attacks in Europe, that world leaders are speaking out more. In a moment of candor this week, the German Vice Chancellor accused the kingdom of financing terror.

“We have to make clear to the Saudis that the time of looking away is over,” Vice Chancellor Gabriel Signar told Bild am Sonntag newspaper in an interview.

“Wahhabi mosques all over the world are financed by Saudi Arabia,” he added. “Many Islamists who are a threat to public safety come from these communities in Germany.”

Critics like Wolf say the U.S. has been trying to get Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states to step up their game in the fight against ISIS and maybe such a lucrative weapons package sends the wrong message.

“You need American intelligence, American special ops, but you need boots on the ground from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan,” he said. “They need to start participating. This is absolutely critical before giving them weapons and aid.”

Corker is not as willing to blame Saudi Arabia so quickly.

“(Corker) also believes the U.S. should encourage greater involvement of our coalition partners in the fight against ISIS, but he thinks the perception of U.S. disengagement resulting from the Obama administration’s approach to the region, especially after the Iran nuclear deal, is hindering that effort,” his office said Friday.

A breakdown of the munitions being sold to the kingdom can be found on the State Department website.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
January 06, 2016, 10:33:26 PM
Saudi is still number away from the United States on people in prison. We are number one in the world, but at least we don't behead our scholars. Saudi is gonna fall because oil is declining thx to more and more companies moving to the electric cars. We need to stop buying from nomads. I am more concerned about North Korea "the hermit Kingdom" we should really be combating those crazies.

Yeah, it´s an unfinished WW2/Cold War business. Vietnam, Germany done. Korea remains. It has been a useful bogeyman for Uncle Sam, helped keep the Japanese vassal obedient. But it´s a dangerous game, like with the terrorists. You think you have it all under control, that it´s manageable but it´s too volatile.
sr. member
Activity: 343
Merit: 254
From The New World
January 06, 2016, 10:03:10 PM
Saudi is still number away from the United States on people in prison. We are number one in the world, but at least we don't behead our scholars. Saudi is gonna fall because oil is declining thx to more and more companies moving to the electric cars. We need to stop buying from nomads. I am more concerned about North Korea "the hermit Kingdom" we should really be combating those crazies.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
January 06, 2016, 09:09:59 PM
The United States has become an oil exporter for the first time in 40 years. Now; that has to spook those medieval princes at the Persian Gulf. Add that ISIS and other terrorist vermin has been suffering major setbacks, first with the Russian intervention in Syria and then better cooperation between Sunni and Shia forces in Iraq. So, there´s desperate measures. Downing of the Russian passenger plane, the Russian warplane and this attempt to drive a wedge between Iraq forces. Terror in Paris and California. It´s a pattern. And of course an attempt to lure Uncle Sam and its European vassals more into the fray is part of it.

I don´t think it´ll work. The Iranians talk big initially like the Russians did but both of them are likely to bide their time and prepare some covert unpleasantness in their own time. Americans, even the elite in charge, are fed up with this endless mess and probably see right through these transparent and desperate schemes by their "allies" anyway.
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
hey you, yeah you, fuck you!!!
January 06, 2016, 05:12:03 PM
Saudi-Iran Feud Poses Threat to Iraq’s Effort to Combat ISIS

BAGHDAD — The fighting has finally stopped in Ramadi, a major city in the Sunni heartland. The Islamic State has been ousted, and the Iraqi flag is flying once again.

But Iraq’s government defeated the Islamic State only with the help of Sunni tribes, which soothed local distrust of the Shiite-led central government. Now, as Iraq faces the even greater challenge of routing the Islamic State from other cities, it is confronted with a heated conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia that threatens to inflame sectarian tensions across the entire region.

For Iraq, which barely survived years of sectarian civil war, the hostilities between Iran and Saudi Arabia could once again foil Sunni-Shiite cooperation — and empower the Islamic State.

“For sure, the rise in sectarian tensions creates a fertile environment for the growth of ISIS,” Saad al-Hadithi, a spokesman for Iraq’s prime minister, said Tuesday, using an acronym for the Islamic State, also known as ISIL. “All of this helps ISIS in building its fighting forces and getting support.”

When the Sunni monarchy in Saudi Arabia executed a Shiite cleric along with 46 other prisoners over the weekend, it incited the outrage of its archrival, Iran, a majority Shiite theocracy. An Iranian mob ransacked and burned the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, and Saudi Arabia responded by severing diplomatic ties with Iran. Several of Saudi Arabia’s allies quickly followed suit.

Now there are fears the bad blood will sabotage the fledgling efforts to ease the many crises roiling the region, including the civil wars in Syria and Yemen.

“I normally try to play down difficulty, but this is a huge setback,” said Jan Eliasson, the deputy secretary general of the United Nations, on Tuesday. “It’s a combination of regional geopolitical consequences and the fact that the sectarian element is playing such a role. Emotions are running so high.”

Iraq, in particular, finds itself in a difficult position with a central government aligned with the United States and Iran. Iraq’s prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, has tread carefully, cautiously condemning the execution, but not heeding calls from Shiite protesters to cut diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia.

“This new round of Iran-Saudi Arabia tensions is likely to challenge Abadi’s ability to jockey between the United States and Iran,” said Maria Fantappie, an Iraq analyst at the International Crisis Group.

Still, analysts, Iraqi politicians and tribal leaders said that so far, there was no indication that the regional tensions were having an immediate impact inside Iraq. They said that Mr. Abadi had managed to navigate a middle ground, in part because Iraq’s Sunni leaders are not as closely tied to Saudi Arabia as in many other countries in the region.

“The problem between Iran and Saudi will not affect us,” said Rafi al-Issawi, a tribal leader in Anbar who supports the government operations against the Islamic State. “We have given tens of martyrs not for Iran or Saudi, but for our country, for the city of Ramadi,” he said, adding, “Let us liberate our country from ISIS, better than Saudi and Iran.”

The most recent round of tensions began Saturday, with the announcement that the Saudi government had executed an outspoken dissident Shiite cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
Islam and Nazism are belief systems, not races.
January 06, 2016, 07:25:39 AM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.

Maybe as long as we have a Muslim president.
I've never understood these sorts of remarks from the far-right. Besides the fact that Obama is quite obviously not Muslim, the US has allied and propped up the House of Saud for decades. People from both political parties refer to the state as a "friend", even though they are the most extreme Muslim nation in the world. This is simply because they have Oil and sell it to us as long as we protect them.

To some degree, I think Barry gets accused of being Muslim because the accusation can piss off Barry's supporters. That's always fun.

I'd be surprised if Barry's not an atheist (like me). There's plenty of evidence though that he respects Islam (those peaceful members of our colourful multiculti future!) and does not respect Christianity (those scary right wingers clinging to their guns and religion!).

To stay on topic though, fuck the Saudis and fuck the Iranians. I hope they kill as many of each other as possible.
I'm okay in saying he's Muslim based on his behavior over a large number of situations.

Not devout Muslim, just a typical political, sociopathic Muslim that eats bacon, doesn't think he has to follow the rules, etc.

There's nothing about that that spells a-t-h-e-i-s-t.

Eh, who knows? Barry might be a Muslim. I completely admit I'm making the assumption that he's an atheist given his behavior and choices as an adult.

One thing we can agree on though. Barry's a fucking crybaby.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
January 05, 2016, 01:40:38 PM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.

Maybe as long as we have a Muslim president.
I've never understood these sorts of remarks from the far-right. Besides the fact that Obama is quite obviously not Muslim, the US has allied and propped up the House of Saud for decades. People from both political parties refer to the state as a "friend", even though they are the most extreme Muslim nation in the world. This is simply because they have Oil and sell it to us as long as we protect them.

To some degree, I think Barry gets accused of being Muslim because the accusation can piss off Barry's supporters. That's always fun.

I'd be surprised if Barry's not an atheist (like me). There's plenty of evidence though that he respects Islam (those peaceful members of our colourful multiculti future!) and does not respect Christianity (those scary right wingers clinging to their guns and religion!).

To stay on topic though, fuck the Saudis and fuck the Iranians. I hope they kill as many of each other as possible.
I'm okay in saying he's Muslim based on his behavior over a large number of situations.

Not devout Muslim, just a typical political, sociopathic Muslim that eats bacon, doesn't think he has to follow the rules, etc.

There's nothing about that that spells a-t-h-e-i-s-t.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
Islam and Nazism are belief systems, not races.
January 05, 2016, 12:34:15 AM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.

Maybe as long as we have a Muslim president.
I've never understood these sorts of remarks from the far-right. Besides the fact that Obama is quite obviously not Muslim, the US has allied and propped up the House of Saud for decades. People from both political parties refer to the state as a "friend", even though they are the most extreme Muslim nation in the world. This is simply because they have Oil and sell it to us as long as we protect them.

To some degree, I think Barry gets accused of being Muslim because the accusation can piss off Barry's supporters. That's always fun.

I'd be surprised if Barry's not an atheist (like me). There's plenty of evidence though that he respects Islam (those peaceful members of our colourful multiculti future!) and does not respect Christianity (those scary right wingers clinging to their guns and religion!).

To stay on topic though, fuck the Saudis and fuck the Iranians. I hope they kill as many of each other as possible.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
January 04, 2016, 10:39:26 PM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.

Maybe as long as we have a Muslim president.
I've never understood these sorts of remarks from the far-right. Besides the fact that Obama is quite obviously not Muslim, the US has allied and propped up the House of Saud for decades. People from both political parties refer to the state as a "friend", even though they are the most extreme Muslim nation in the world. This is simply because they have Oil and sell it to us as long as we protect them.

They practically crawl on their bellies like dogs before these medieval fruitcakes so it´s more than standard "friendship". Of course aside from the oil the armaments business interests are huge which explains this dysfunctional behavior of corporate owned political sex workers both sides of the Atlantic.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
January 04, 2016, 10:01:00 PM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.
Not for long .nature will beat the crap out of saudis with their pants down .

Their budget deficit for the year 2015 was around $98 billion. At this rate, their reserves will be gone in just 8 years. Can you believe it? Almost 100 years of wealth accumulated from the oil deposits, blown away in just 8 years. After that, the Saudis will be of no use to anyone. Other than crude oil, they don't have any other resources.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
January 04, 2016, 08:04:58 PM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.

Maybe as long as we have a Muslim president.
I've never understood these sorts of remarks from the far-right. Besides the fact that Obama is quite obviously not Muslim, the US has allied and propped up the House of Saud for decades. People from both political parties refer to the state as a "friend", even though they are the most extreme Muslim nation in the world. This is simply because they have Oil and sell it to us as long as we protect them.
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Activity: 560
Merit: 500
January 04, 2016, 04:46:16 PM
Bahrain, Sudan and UAE follow Saudis in diplomatic action against Iran

Bahrain, Sudan and UAE follow Saudis in diplomatic action against Iran

Bahrain and Sudan have quickly followed Saudi Arabia in severing diplomatic relations with Iran in the wake of a row over the execution of a leading Shia cleric by the Saudi authorities, which has provoked wide international condemnation. Sudan also says it has cut diplomatic links, while the United Arab Emirates has also downgraded ties with Tehran.

Saudi Arabia also said that it was halting all air traffic to and from Iran, and would ban its citizens from visiting. Iranians, however, would be still be able to visit the kingdom for pilgrimages to Mecca.

The Gulf island state Bahrain, Saudi Arabia’s closest Gulf ally, said on Monday that Iranian diplomats had 48 hours to leave Manama, and its own diplomats would be leaving Tehran.

Shortly afterwards, Sudan announced that it was expelling the Iranian ambassador to Khartoum and that all ties had been severed. Sudan has been distancing itself gradually from Tehran in recent months.

The UAE is also downgrading its diplomatic representation to Iran, replacing its ambassador with a chargé d’affaires, al-Hadath TV reported. The relatively modest step is likely to reflect the close trade ties between the two countries despite longstanding political tensions.

Read more:
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
January 04, 2016, 12:45:20 PM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

There are plenty of oil around in the US. In fact, the US is starting to export oil. Is this the time for the US to save the people in the Saudi?
Which ones?

The Saudis who did 911?

The Saudis who supported them?

The Saudis who won't take any of the Muslim refugees?

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Activity: 675
Merit: 500
January 04, 2016, 12:24:30 PM
All this is confusing for the oil traders.
Should we punt on an increase in prices based on middle east tension, or should we expect a fall in prices based on global/Chinese economic date?  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
January 04, 2016, 06:28:10 AM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.
Not for long .nature will beat the crap out of saudis with their pants down .
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
January 04, 2016, 06:14:07 AM
1,000 lashes for a blogger was a bit extreme as well.
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Activity: 1050
Merit: 681
January 04, 2016, 05:55:26 AM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

There are plenty of oil around in the US. In fact, the US is starting to export oil. Is this the time for the US to save the people in the Saudi?
sr. member
Activity: 460
Merit: 251
January 04, 2016, 02:50:26 AM
Iran broke diplomatic relations with them after. But USA is continuing kissing they oil ass.
Then these "people" will pretend to be a part of normal world and even to rule it...
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
January 04, 2016, 12:01:35 AM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.

Maybe as long as we have a Muslim president.

Hillary On Saudi Executions: Not ‘A smart Decision’ For A Friend…

Hillary Clinton joined in criticism of Saturday’s execution of 47 in Saudi Arabia, among them prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr.

“I don’t think it was a smart decision for them to make,” Clinton, the former secretary of state, said Sunday in New Hampshire.

Nimr’s death was met with the torching of the Saudi embassy in Tehran, Iran. It drew excoriation by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini, who said, “The divine hand of revenge will take the Saudi politicians by the throat.”

The State Department, Germany, the United Kingdom and others condemned the killings.

Clinton was careful to still call Saudi Arabia a “friend.”

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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
January 03, 2016, 09:35:58 PM
Saudia Arabia is the shittest dictatorship-shithole, but it is the U.S.’ ally and an extremely important armaments customer of U.K. and France and therefore no one speaks of its atrocities.
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Activity: 560
Merit: 500
January 03, 2016, 06:09:46 PM
Back when Iran was holding our people hostage, we had a name for people that behave like s heads , It was being 'Iranian'. Lets bring it back into common parlance.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
January 03, 2016, 01:52:38 PM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.

Maybe as long as we have a Muslim president.
Activity: 3234
Merit: 5637 Raffle-Join&Win $50🎲
January 03, 2016, 12:50:29 PM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.

Exactly so, they are allowed all.And if it is true that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in the US economy over the years there is no way that such a business partner is called into question.Executed people are enemies of SA and therefore enemies of the USA.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
January 03, 2016, 11:44:42 AM
As long as USA kiss their ass for oil, Saudis can do whatever they want. If any other country in area do something like that, hell would open on them.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Young but I'm not that bold
January 03, 2016, 11:22:05 AM

Saudi Arabia’s mass execution of 47 men on terrorism charges has unleashed anger at home and beyond.

Prominent Shi’ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr was amongst those executed on Saturday.

The Saudi embassy in the capital of mainly Shi’ite Iran was stormed by protesters, who ransacked the offices and started fires in the building.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei condemned Saudi Arabia for the second day on Sunday (January 3) saying politicians in the Sunni kingdom would face divine retribution for the cleric’s death.

The two regional rivals were already at odds with each other over an ongoing conflict in Yemen where Saudi-led fighters are battling against the Iran-backed Houthi rebel movement.

Crowds of Shi’ite Muslims marched through Saudi Arabia’s majority Shi’ite Qatif district to protest against the cleric’s execution.

Al-Nimr was convicted after a political and grossly unfair trial, according to Amnesty International.

The Saudi cleric was described as a thorn in the side of the Saudi authorities, an outspoken and long-standing critic of the kingdom’s discriminatory policies against its Shi’ite minority.

He was executed along with three other Shi’ites and dozens of Sunni jihadists.
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