
Topic: Shooting Straight: How Presidential Candidates Have Changed On Gun Control (Read 64 times)

Activity: 2856
Merit: 1519
Past records are important but any bans these politicians try to implement will have to go through the court systems. And there's a big problem.

Alito and Thomas are the most pro-2A members on the court and they're effectively the only two people in the entire United States keeping gun rights maintained.

Thomas and Alito are getting old, 73, and 75 respectively. Say the democrats win in 2024 -- would Thomas and Alito be able to make it until 2028 before a Republican would have an opportunity to get into office? And that's assuming the Republican candidate wins in '28.

'24 might see a conservative SCOTUS vacancy.

Conservatives could technically afford another liberal on the court for 5-4 decisions but Roberts is unpredictable (good job Bush!)
copper member
Activity: 101
Merit: 21
In the run up to the 2012 election, both President Obama and Governor Romney downplayed the topic of gun control – even though Americans were on pace to buy more firearms than ever before. Because neither candidate was an avid shooter, special interest groups such as the NRA and the Brady Campaign dominated much of the campaign rhetoric.

With this presidency came huge responsibility to the Second Amendment, as the previous four years had seen two high-profile 2A cases narrowly decided by split 5-4 decisions. President Obama’s victory ended up resulting in two appointments to the Supreme Court – Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan – neither of whom have done any favors for gun rights.

It's important to look at how each candidate's position on gun control has evolved over time since entering the political arena. This infographic is a great example of how this has happened in a recent election – and you'll see that both candidates started out more in favor of gun control than either campaign would like you to remember. It’s a stark reminder of why it’s important to research a candidate’s political past.

Shooting Straight: How Presidential Candidates Have Changed On Gun Control originally appeared on
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