Since I've seen the ease of use for adding recieve and send BTC addresses for people who wish to donate to my blog or like an article.I wish to now take this to the next step in making my blog fully BTC friendly.
Steps taken so far:
1.Add QR code to ease the BTC donate system
2.Wrote a clear guide linking to the relevant video introducing BTC and showing how they work
3.Plans have been 50% for adding a shop like feature to the blog so that customers can actually browse products as well as just buying them.
2 stumbling blocks remain for me:
1.Wordpress.com doesn't seem to like/let me running non HTML code for embedding most currently available solutions for BTC acceptance.
1b.Whenever a new page is create on wordpress,it doesn't let me post only to that page and instead clutters up my homepage (not user friendly or tidy) so I'm looking for someone to create a professional interface webpage which I can then self host on another provider (after being linked from by main blog)
2.All the shopping cart solutions that take BTC are too complicated (require adding PHP,and other code that my blog just doesn't seem to like) or are unreliable (as certain solutions go offline for good after a while like
www.base2shop.com has now or suffer other problems like login issues with no remedy on bitcoinservices.co.uk and my product links becoming dead after uploading as reported by a tester who visited my blog the other day)
The things I require in the shopping cart solution are:
1.Simple to setup (and must not require coding beyond HTML or other complex procedures,client side server side,e.t.c)
3.Must be able to take payment that is sent straight to my BTC address like the Multicoin client does for me whenever a QR code is scanned and hte person pays up.The QR codes and management of BTC addresses and items is good.I just need a shopping cart solution that can tap into that potential and give me funds straight to my computer and not a 3rd party server as I risk losing money that way.
5.Must only let customers pay a set price for the item in question as with the Multicoin solution,the customer can decide how much to pay instead of following the price that's set by me.
If this solution doesn't yet exist,can it please be developed by people who know about creating these types of things. When this project is finished successfully with the help of you guys,I'll make sure my shop is open and start conducting business through there as my way of saying thanks (12bvFTAebmVcYTkKjWYcBo8nsGTnA6Dt1E.It's here if you wish to use it).If the created system works well,be sure to say thanks as well so I know what's working and what isn't.