It is redundant.
Basically there are only two things, all the rest is merely denominations, flavours etc of those two things.
There are things/value inside the game and there are things/value outside the game.
Things outside can permeate, because inside the game is also itself embedded into the outside of the game, so the outside of the game valuables often tend to have more influence inside the game than the amount of influence value inside the game has over things outside the game.
Any outside the game valuables/currencies suffice to sell off stuff in one game and buy stuff in another game with the proceeds.
Any existing blockchain based currency can be used, or fiat can be used, but fiat has all kinds of problems, really, too much regulations and crap around it. But it is pointless to try to restrict games to any particular blockchain-based currency, they can each use any or all of them, there is no need to try to pretend one of them is "for games" any more or less than any other is.
In the
Galactic Milieu we even just cast the blockchain based currencies as being part of the game, just like
the planet known as Earth, this planet that we are on, is also part of the game. (We are just another planet among many planets.) This blurring or vanishing of "the fourth wall" is common in so-called A.R.G. (Alternate Reality Game) type games; the everyday world around us is regarded, at least in the game, as being part of the game. Thus all currencies and all cryptocurrencies are also part of the game.
In the
Galactic Milieu it is assumed the "
Hacker" civilisation invented blockchains, the
Martians obtained the technology from them to create their national currency
Martian BotCoin and also passed along the technology to the
Brits and
Canucks who used it to make their own currencies,
United Kingdom Britcoin (UKB) and
Canadian Digital Notes (CDN). As the technology spread, more and more currencies ended up using it.
The original, assumed to be the national currency of the "Hacker" civilisation, is of course Bitcoin.
Since various agents / agencies of the Milieu have been active upon this supposedly-mythical planet known as Earth since back when they gave Churchill the technology to win the Battle of Britain (by building a top secret "Wonder of the World" that causes air units to be created as "veteran" units from their inception), the technology has also reached Earth.
It is suspected that "Satoshi Nakamoto" was/is a Time Cadet deployed by the or a Institute of Chronodynamics to effect certain changes in the timelines hereabouts...