ie. Greg has .3 bitcoins. He tells his date, Mary, " hey babe, I have .3 bitcoins, so we can have fun tonight "
Mary rolls her eyes. But, if btc split 1000:1, then Greg could say " hey baby, I got 300 bitcoins " and she would reply " Oh my, you are so sexy " Thoughts?
No matter how we may want to change how it is to be called, the fact is that talking to someone who does not have any inkling on Bitcoin can be akin to talking to a rock. So what should we do..? Don't give someone a sum of Bitcoin instead convert it into the dollar equivalent unless of course your date happens to be another Bitcoin enthusiast then you can both be talking on the same table. Don't say you have 1 Bitcoin...say that you have $7,000 and you are willing to give it all to her...right?