For income, whether to buy altcoin is better than to buy Bitcoin now
It doesn't appear as though you've gotten any bites on your discussion here. I would encourage you dig a little bit to figure out why that may be. If I were to impose my own personal opinion, then I would say that it is because you have put very little effort into formulating your question. This is not conducive for engagement and it is very unattractive for anybody to put effort into something even you do not deem worthy. I've come back to your thread here a couple times over the past few hours trying to figure out a way to answer you in a way that would be meaningful. I'm having a tough time because I cannot figure out exactly what you mean by the question.
For income is a very terrible way for describing your interaction with cryptocurrency. I do not think that simply buying Bitcoin or an altcoin is sufficient to be called income. It is not reliable, it is not predictable and it is not consistently profitable. There is no sure fire answer for which coin is going to give you guaranteed profit tomorrow. If you're asking which coin is better to invest your income into, then I would encourage you to do your own research. Everybody has their own criteria, but Bitcoin brings something unique, meaningful and innovative to the table and this is why it has garnered the attention and maintained the longevity that it has. Coins that are not creative and useful beyond what is already available are surely going to disappear or at best become a pump and dump.
Ask a more specific question for a more specific answer. Nobody knows where you are aiming so nobody can tell you how to hi your target.