Anyways, I stumbled across a Bitcoin mixing service that does affiliate marketing. If I were to refer someone there. and they mixed their coins, I would receive a 50% commission on either what they tumbled, or the tumbling fee. Can't remember which but I'm almost positive it's the latter. Would anybody be interested in using my affiliate links if I were to post them, or even send them to you through PM by request? They're a relatively new site, and they have clearnet and darknet links (just in case you do some nefarious things on the side...). I haven't used them personally, but I've read pretty good reviews so far. Yes, there are legal reasons you could say for using this, such as to keep anonymity to a higher level, since I've read that Bitcoin isn't totally anonymous. You might need Tor browser if you want to stay even more anonymous, and you might want to get a PGP tool like Kleopatra if you want to keep their PGP-based Letter of Guartantee.
The website requests what looks like to be about a 2% fee (if my math is right). For example, if you wanted to mix 0.5 BTC, your fee would be 0.00996971 BTC. I, as the affiliate, would earn 50% of that. If you're interested, comment below and we'll work something out. I'm running out of ways to earn any kind of money, I think I've posted before about my situation. You'd probably rather not hear about that, though. It's depressing on my end.
Anyways, have a good evening/morning/afternoon ( wherever you are