
Topic: Should the rig you buy/already have look esthetic or not? (Read 1091 times)

hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 1000
Its better without the case in my observation due to heat. Better free air flow.

I see more people having a open frame setup, like mentioned above. But I guess its a preference?
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
Milk crates
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Thanks guys for your answers.

I have my rigs in frames and boxes, I don't use cases.

You probably misunderstood my question - I asked abou aesthetic look, not operation or temperatures. Smiley

Personally for me those rigs look awful but cases are highly impractical.

But probably there are people who prefer their rig to be less productive but better looking and more quite, aren't there?
hero member
Activity: 546
Merit: 500
As they said the majority of miners use open frame or don't really care what the case looks like.  Cramming cards beside each other in adjacent slots inside a case also increases heat.

Open frame with risers and cooling is the preferred setup.

I mean for reference I have 1 of my miners sitting on a wire frame shelf and 2 of the 3 video cards are hanging from a wire attached to the rafters to lift them away from the board Smiley
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1010
A fancy box won't make you more money.
Activity: 1140
Merit: 1000
The Real Jude Austin
Real miners don't use cases!  Tongue
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Hi guys!

I plan to sell one of my rigs. And am actually wondering if it is valued when rig looks good and esthetic like in the following pic (please excuse me if my feeling of beauty differs from yours Smiley ):

I would appreciate any point of view.

Thanks in advance!

PS Oh, and is there any chance I can sell almost new 3 GPUs 1350 KH/s in-case rig with EU warranty for 1350 USD?
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