ALL MSM outlets are biased by their profit motive, they all suck.
Media outlets are going to have to go into other business models, or they're going to die. You either go into the other media business - such as something like Fox does, or Disney or something along those lines, or you're slowly going to die.
There's no reason for these companies to really be relevant. The only thing that keeps them going is that they propagate news to the masses, and owning them is a massive weapon in the right hands.
Patriotic Investors should start focusing their investments into the Mainstream News Media and Silicon Valley tech companies. Those sectors have been dominated by Liberal Investors, Arab Investors, and Chinese Investors for so many years. Time for hostile takeover
It's a waste of money for someone to be a 'patriotic investor' and there's no such reason to do that in the least. All investors should have the same goal, growth.
If you want to attempt to take these companies down, you show what they've done wrong and you convince people not to watch them anymore to take a dent out of their profits that way. Share price is not something that directly hurts a company anyway.