I PM'ed r0ach and told him I would grateful if he would close the thread. With 25 year olds trolling this forum from their mobile devices while masturbating to porn in the comfortable of their moma's sofabed, I don't think there can be any mature technological discussion.
It is pointless to attempt to discuss technology and attempt to inform others while also sharing and learning from each other.
With all the vaporware and hyped technological delusion that populates the altcoin arena (and that includes your eMunie and my vaporcoin), those projects with actual currently best-of-class implementation get drowned out when they attempt be respectful and less noisy as they have been lately (e.g. Monero).
If anything the $15 million Ethereum has wasted would ostensibly have produced more if it had been invested in Monero so the community could donate more to developers to improve it.
In the real world of stock securities, normally companies have to produce something with the first round of funding. But in this manipulated reality where the insiders control the float and can do insider trading without facing the jail time that normally accompanies such practices, then all sense of reality is lost and we are back to laissez-faire 1800s where snake oil salesmen regularly defrauded the unwary.
All those buying ETH and along for the ride attempting to defraud their brothers who are less savvy, are not in this arena to better our society and each other by rewarding production and a meritocracy, but rather to steal from each other just as Socialism taught them to do. This is a dysfunctional society that will crash and burn.
If some random 25 year old thinks he can beat up a 51 year old man, I will make an example of him about the way men used to be and the way she-men are now. If stoat was even half the athlete that is required to beat me up, he wouldn't write like a scared bitch. Just like that 190cm foreigner in the mall the other day who tried to fuck with me in the line of grocery store here in Davao and I challenged him to step outside and he was shivering in his fucking boots because he suddenly realized he was dealing with something he did not expect, when I got right in his face eyes-to-eyes. He looked into my eyes and realized this is the real world.