What about those who are coming here to ESCAPE the violence? Should we be screening people who request visas to come here? Absolutely, we should. But just placing a blanket ban on visiting America or emigrating here based on religion? That's not a precedent I'd want to set. What's next? Expulsion of Muslims already IN America - even as citizens?
Send them to Mexico. Why are we always the world's daddy? Let other nations take them in for a change.
This. No country has the 'obligation' to take anyone in. We can deny entry at any time we want, reason simply being it is our country, our decisions. Who the fuck thinks they can say otherwise? Do start bitching about 'native americans' as if you gave a shit before it was a reason to bitch about.
What about those who are coming here to ESCAPE the violence? Should we be screening people who request visas to come here? Absolutely, we should. But just placing a blanket ban on visiting America or emigrating here based on religion? That's not a precedent I'd want to set. What's next? Expulsion of Muslims already IN America - even as citizens?
No one asked them to come here. They beg, we can refuse. They can be settled somewhere in the middle east refugee camp. it's not our problem. They are responsible for their own futures.
As for muslims in US, they are guilty as shit. We do reserve the full right to expel them because they are outsiders and do not belong here.
We reserve the right to expel, punish, and destroy those who are not of American character, or loyal to its identity above all else. The core of american identity is western with significant influence of christianity. As a minority, I fully support the notion that any nation on earth has the right to take action against those who agitate or otherwise try to manipulate others into taking advantage of its own country for their benefit.
This is fucking common sense - something you believe you are above but you are not. Otherwise, I will be happy to enter your home and take what I want.
For reasons like this that's why many people from all around the world hate America.
Look at this cheeky fuck.
Next time anyone says they have the right to enter your home without permission, don't even think of telling them otherwise.
Anti-Americans sure are cheeky little shits.