Forget About Mining SIACOIN because the Difficulty is EXPLODED to the MOON !!!!!
Can somebody explain If the chinese Asics A3 are the reason that it is NOT interesting anymore to mine Siacoin !!!
The cost off eletricity with is at the moment double off what you can mine in Siacoins !!!!!! So this is over and OUT i Think !!!!
Siamining has raised the diificulty lever the last months aproximatly 8-10 times like what it was in Januari/ Februari !!!!
and the prize is only rised a bit from the Siacoin...
So if erverybody is quiting with Siamining they has to put the difficulty down..??
Is there already something else you can mine with a Antminer Or is it only SIACOIN
I wait for your reply..
you must be new here
I remember when I was upset the difficulty was at 9,000,000. Now it's at 34,000,000.
I used to make 1,500 coins off one antminer, now you're lucky if you make 5,000 coins a day if you have 20 miners